Thanks for the tips. Seattle Public Schools has decided to again delay the announcement of any specific schools planned for closure/consolidation. The topic is still on tomorrow night’s School Board agenda, but here’s what superintendent Dr. Brent Jones says will and won’t happen:
… While the rescheduled [board] meeting will occur on June 26, this Regular School Board Meeting will not include a proposed “school closure list.”
Instead, the presentation will focus on the criteria guiding our decisions, such as budget and enrollment data, building condition assessments, program considerations, and community input.
We’ve heard from our community. Families and staff want to understand our planning process and react to proposals. The end of the school year and summer is not an ideal time for community engagement. Over the summer, my team will work hard to evaluate and consider the feedback we have heard and refine the plan that will be presented to our board.
Reports will resume with our School Board and community in September. Our board will be voting on the well-resourced schools plan before winter break in December 2024.
We have received strong participation and valuable feedback during our community meetings. Our community cares deeply about our schools.
It is crucial to ensure any steps we take are in the best interest of our students and families. Therefore, we will take more time this summer to thoroughly consider your input before announcing school consolidations.
You can read the full update here (it follows an update on school-security concerns).