City Attorney proposes new fine for street racing, ‘takeovers’

Would a new city-imposed $500 fine discourage street racing and “takeovers” like the one caught on video in The Junction earlier this month? This announcement is from City Attorney Ann Davison‘s office:

Today, Seattle City Attorney Ann Davison introduced legislation to the Seattle City Council to address the growing incidence of illegal street racing and ā€œstreet takeoverā€ events in Seattle.

The legislation, which would adopt new state law expanding the definition of street racing to include drifting and street takeover events, also establishes a $500 civil infraction against the registered owner of a vehicle participating in these activities.

ā€œThis legislation responds to the recent rise in large street racing takeover events that pose a safety hazard to the public ā€” pedestrians, cyclists, and other drivers,ā€ said City Attorney Davison. ā€œThe new civil infraction will give police a tool to hold vehicle owners accountable when their cars are used at these events.ā€

Over the past several years, Seattle has seen an increase in street racing events comprised of large numbers of vehicles and observers. The participants and spectators literally take over city intersections for drifting, ā€œdonuts,ā€ and other dangerous driving techniques. In July 2023, a woman was shot at one of these events, and in May 2024, dozens of drivers continued to participate in a takeover, despite police presence and repeated warnings from officers.

In 2023, state legislators adopted a new state law expanding the definition of street racing. That law went into effect on January 1, 2024.

The $500 infraction proposed by City Attorney Davison is an additional measure which is not in state law.

The proposal will first go to the council’s Public Safety Committee for consideration.

P.S. Police said today that the crash on Alki Avenue early Saturday was preceded by this type of driving – donuts and high speed.

42 Replies to "City Attorney proposes new fine for street racing, 'takeovers'"

  • Sick-n-tired on Alki June 18, 2024 (3:35 pm)

    So this happens one time (or infrequently), and the city attorney’s office takes action.  One vehicle makes a ruckus in Belltown (the Hellcat), and the operator is fined and police pull him over (per TV news coverage).  Yet every weekend night on Alki, there is something like this, or the noise of illegal machine-gun mufflers or motorcycles blaring their music — and the city (and police) does NOTHING.  When with the City give relief to the residents who live on Alki? We live with this every summer Friday, Sat, and Sun night (and spring and fall when the weather is good).

    • Alki resident June 18, 2024 (4:02 pm)

      Whatā€™s an illegal machine gun muffler?

  • MikeinSea June 18, 2024 (3:46 pm)

    $500 fine is not a deterrent- if they even catch them.  

  • Jeepney June 18, 2024 (3:49 pm)

    Laws are meaningless if not enforcedā€¦..

  • KK June 18, 2024 (3:55 pm)

    $500 is a joke and half the time the cars are stolen.If we really want to deter it, make the fine $2000 for the driver and take their license for a while. Then impound the car with an additional $5-20k to get it out. That will put an end to it. Instead, why not support their hobby and keep the rest of us safe – find them a legal speedway that will let them race with an entry fee and have them sign waivers. Then if they get hurt or their cars get wrecked it is by their choice and there is no damage or death for anyone who didnā€™t sign up for it.

    • Mr Henry June 18, 2024 (5:15 pm)

      KK, I agree with you 100%.  I hope the city will do something beside talk with out action.

    • CC June 19, 2024 (7:51 am)

      I agree. $500 is nothing especially without enforcement. At least, there is acknowledgement of the problem. But the situation has been getting worse in the past few years. And it’s affecting a wide range of citizens. 

    • Tired of the b* June 21, 2024 (12:14 am)

      There are local speedways they can go to. They chose not too. And I agree. $500 is a joke. Jack up the fines so it really breaks their pockets. 

  • HS June 18, 2024 (4:03 pm)

    Street racing in WS is/are stolen vehicles. Not long ago, one was racing in our neighborhood and ran into a, thankfully (due to impact), large 4×4 truck driven by our neighbor.  He was on his way to pick up his toddler aged daughter who would have been a passenger in the truck. The collision was so incredibly loud that almost 2 blocks of neighbors ran out of their homes. Six teenagers, four of which were girls, ran from the stolen car which was totaled. These stolen cars are raced, crashed and the occupants jump and run. Often they’re picked up by a car following which has been live streaming on social media. It’s not just the one guy in Belltown with a huge SM following. We’ve all seen the smashed cars abandoned / dumped in the area. If you report them, they’re stolen vehicles. I don’t think ticketing the vehicle owner is the answer for street racing.

  • OneTimeCharley June 18, 2024 (4:05 pm)

    Make it $1,000 per infraction.

  • DRW June 18, 2024 (4:09 pm)

    Let’s start enforcing the sounds created by operation of motor vehicles while we’re at it. Could gain a lot of revenue I’m guessing.                  

  • Marina June 18, 2024 (4:11 pm)

    While Iā€™m totally in favor of holding the street racers accountable, is there no way to actually hold the person behind the wheel accountable and not the registered car owner? Asking for a friend who had their car stolen and used for street racingā€¦

    • NotOnHolden June 18, 2024 (5:06 pm)

      This.  We already have reckless driving that is defined so broadly it can be applied to just about anything at the officerā€™s discretion.  All I see happening are people who have stolen cars getting notices of fines but no movement on actual recovery of their stolen vehicle.  This must go hand in hand with Seattle rolling out license plate readers to the entire SPD fleet.  No plan to do any actual police work.

      Iā€™ll also add that I see this as just another way to waste money by giving it to a private entity to administer whatever all of this is and say ā€œsee we did somethingā€ while nothing actually changes.

    • Mellow Kitty June 19, 2024 (8:10 am)

      If you read the full story, you’ll see an additional 500$ fine is issued to the registered owner (assuming the car isn’t stolen). When parents start getting fined as well, junior might lose their driving privileges. Personally, I think if the cars aren’t stolen, they should be confiscated and sold at auction. If the cars are stolen, fine the parents again and again until the behavior is corrected. Money is a huge motivator. 

  • EVGuy June 18, 2024 (4:25 pm)

    $500 is a joke. Make it $50,000, and it would deter behavior. Better yet, suspend the license of all involved. 

  • David June 18, 2024 (4:33 pm)

    I think that a first offense should be that the vehicle is confiscated and taken to the steel mill and recycled 

  • Niko June 18, 2024 (4:59 pm)

    How about this No driver’s license for 10 years first offense

    • The King June 18, 2024 (9:48 pm)

      While thatā€™s a nice suggestion, the last person who ran into me didnā€™t have a license. They had gas in the tank and keys. No license, registration, insurance, expired tabs. These are different times 

  • Marcus June 18, 2024 (5:11 pm)

    Weak and worthless!!  Impound the car!!!  If they can catch them, tow the dang car right to the city impound lots, arrest the driver and let them spend a minimum of 24 hours in jail to appear before the municipal judge next working day.  Then impose car impound fees and a hearty ticket fee for reckless driving. Get serious Ann, we are.

    • Ivan Weiss June 18, 2024 (6:36 pm)

      If the car in question has been stolen, then that’s a double screwing of an innocent car owner. And who will compensate said owner? Raggedy Ann sure won’t.

  • Seattlite June 18, 2024 (5:38 pm)

    Reckless endangerment of citizens, disturbing the peace with cars that have an average weight of 4,100 pounds deserves a $10,000 fine and one year in prison.  Let’s see how many of these NO common sense drivers will think twice about street racing takeovers when facing real consequences.

  • I love law enforcement June 18, 2024 (5:42 pm)

    This is great action by a city official. No excuse for not enforcing the laws. Actions need to have consequences. The City Attorney’s actions against the Belltown hellcat guy are great, finally consequences. Cars actually kill. 

  • Eldorado June 18, 2024 (5:44 pm)

    $500? The same amount for getting caught in the HOV lane as a single occupant? Nahā€¦ it should be at least $5,000? And loss of license for a year. 

  • PotKettleBlack June 18, 2024 (5:51 pm)

    It is absolutely shocking that after years of cutting public education and after school activities that kids with mechanical skills and a knack for driving have found a new way to vent their frustrations. Shocking I say! 

    • Jethro Marx June 19, 2024 (12:20 pm)

      Do you watch a lot of movies? Framing this problem as some sort of mix between Footloose and Fast and Furious is a bit weird. I bet the percentage of look-at-me-while-I-burn-rubber-and-crash-into-people-and-things drivers spinning around for internet likes who actually do any mechanical work on cars is single digit.

  • Lucy June 18, 2024 (6:08 pm)

    If this is all being posted on social media, how are detectives unable to track down the perpetrators?

  • my two cents June 18, 2024 (6:53 pm)

    Would everyone be OK with traffic fines if the penalty was proportional to your income? This would apply to all traffic citations.

  • flimflam June 18, 2024 (7:17 pm)

    Isnā€™t it already quite illegal to block intersections and do donuts in them? What am I missing?

    • NotOnHolden June 19, 2024 (9:28 am)

      There is already reckless driving in the municipal code.  This is just PR nothing.  They could have said they would investigate via social media etc to do focused patrols and actually enforce the reckless driving law that already makes this behavior illegal.  

  • Actully Mike June 18, 2024 (8:06 pm)

    You take over our intersection, we take over your car. Bring your walking shoes, bro.

    • 1994 June 18, 2024 (8:59 pm)

      Actually Mike gets it! Bring your walking shoes bro because your car will be impounded…. Impound should be a day for every second of spinning. I like it!

  • Erik June 18, 2024 (9:54 pm)

    Add an extra 0 to that fine and Iā€™ll be happy.

  • Matt June 18, 2024 (11:51 pm)

    Maybe if these street racers are forced to bike (a bicycle not motorcycle) near a car racer that would change their mind 

  • Ly June 19, 2024 (1:57 am)

    $500 what? Weeeeeakkkkk. šŸ˜‚ make it a few THOUSAND at least. Go hard and go strong on this or donā€™t bother. 

  • MM June 19, 2024 (9:26 am)

    I agree with these comments. It needs to be more – $5000 or higher and need to fine the driver not registered owner. 

  • Alki Jack June 19, 2024 (9:57 am)

    It looks like everyone is in agreement. The fine should be $5,000 not $500. Plus loss of license for a year. They need to provide proof of current insurance and up to date license tabs. At the same time their vehicle should be checked for proper exhaust system, it must have catalytic converters, approved mufflers etc. I have heard they’re exhaust and almost none of these vehicle could pass an emissions test. 

    • My two cents June 19, 2024 (10:57 am)

      Passing emission testing is not the same as the loudness of a muffler.Current registration and licensing are already required – is this somehow being bypassed during traffic stops/citations?Iā€™m glad that I live in area where 32 (counting myself) commentators decide for all what is right/justified.How will track efficacy of your proposed penalties? Number of arrests? Anecdotal observations from community blogs?

  • drahcir61 June 19, 2024 (11:32 am)

    Agree with increasing the fines BUT … 99% of them cannot pay $5,000 let alone $1,000, so although I agree, it isn’t realistic.  You can garnish their wages (if they have any) but that’ll just incentive them to commit more crimes.

    Instead, start with the $500 fine, include impounding the car, & 3 days in jail.  2nd offense is 30 days in jail & the $5,000 fine.

  • 22blades June 19, 2024 (11:58 am)

    If enforcement is stretched thin, maybe it’s time for cameras for not only racers, takeovers & drifters but reckless drivers & speeders too.

  • KB June 19, 2024 (12:15 pm)

    This is just an additional charge/infraction. If they cared, they could also charge reckless driving and operating a vehicle with illegal modifications. The stacking of charges is what got the Belltown hellcat guy in trouble. That and the constant reporting to police with photos and videos of the vehicle, driver, and license plate. Why does everyone think these are stolen cars? They are modified to be obnoxious and loud. The owners want them that way. The owners are the ones going out and gunning the engines all night, the owners are the ones racing. Itā€™s a stupid ā€œcar cultureā€ for people with more money than sense. Stop further vilifying people who suffer from substance use disorder and steal vehicles. They donā€™t steal vehicles to race them and annoy people. Thatā€™s silly. Itā€™s the owners. Start capturing video and photos and notifying police. Post on reddit. Alert other people. Do something besides coming here and making illogical assumptions that these vehicles are stolen. 

  • Dave June 19, 2024 (5:37 pm)

    In Finland, your traffic fines are proportional to your income. The richer you are the more you pay. The base fines are not low. Helps deter entitled drivers who pay the fines  but are not hurt by them. 

  • KA June 19, 2024 (7:02 pm)

    How about a fine for “healthy street” takeovers? 

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