WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Business burglarized twice in 5 days; dumped-possibly-stolen license plates

Two West Seattle Crime Watch reports:

BURGLARIZED TWICE IN 5 DAYS: Thanks to neighbors for tips on this. Junction True Value managers confirmed to WSB today that the store has been burglarized twice in the past five days. The first one happened just before 2 am Wednesday; the second one happened around 3:30 am today. The store says the burglar(s) got away with about $4,000 in tools in the Wednesday break-in, fewer tools today; they suspect an organized ring might be targeting their store. Police-audio archives indicate the burglar(s) left in a stolen car found on a nearby dead-end street (Rutan Place, per a neighbor) and ran into a brushy area. Police searched but, the audio indicates, had trouble getting extra resources – no aerial resources were available, and no SPD canine, though a King County Sheriff’s Office K-9 (from Kirkland) was eventually dispatched. (Update: Archive audio indicates the search eventually ended unsuccessfully.) If you have any information, this morning’s incident # is 24-143457, while the Wednesday number is 24-138494.

DUMPED-POSSIBLY-STOLEN LICENSE PLATES: The photo and report are from Austin:

I was taking out some trash this morning and noticed some suspicious items were dumped in my can in Seaview overnight, including license plates and other items that look like they could have been from a stolen car (hats, camera cases, food trash) There was even a bleach bottle…which was extra strange.

Austin is working on reporting this to police, but in the meantime, if the plates and/or hats happen to be yours, contact us and we can connect you. (Added: A

11 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Business burglarized twice in 5 days; dumped-possibly-stolen license plates"

  • Rhonda May 27, 2024 (12:36 pm)

    The other day I saw 5 vehicles without any license plates or temporary tags parked in front of businesses at Westwood Village. And that was only one side of the shopping center.

    • Darren May 27, 2024 (2:36 pm)

      Yeah it’s crazy how long this has been going on with no plates, tabs expired by years, etc.

  • Seattlite May 27, 2024 (3:01 pm)

    Lawlessness is a good description to use when describing the number of robberies and thefts in West Seattle and great Seattle these past years.   Criminals know a good thing when they see it especially with Seattle’s touchy feely prosecution of crimes.  Hopefully, this criminal crew of robbers will be identified, charged, and arrested.  And, hopefully, go to prison for as many years as it takes to keep them off the streets.

  • Seaview May 27, 2024 (3:28 pm)

    Had a window smashed in Seaview last night.  47th and Graham.

    • Seattlite May 27, 2024 (5:12 pm)

      I am sorry that the criminal vandals hit your home.  I live in the Seaview area too.  All of the neighbors look out for each other and what is going on in the streets within our neighborhood’s block watch boundaries.  I am sure that you and your neighbors do the same thing for each other.

  • HS May 27, 2024 (4:00 pm)

    I just ran a quick search on the license plates. 

    • WSB May 27, 2024 (4:22 pm)

      Yes, the cross-reference in the Seattle Municipal Court database (which will show a few details about a car if it has prior involvement in a citation or case) says maroon Subaru, to be specific. If the plates make their way to police – Austin is trying! – they’ll be able to look up its owner fast, but in the meantime, there’s always a chance the owner might see this.

  • Streamdreamer May 27, 2024 (7:14 pm)

    So bummed for my favorite hardware store but wondering how entry was achieved since they have the metal, roll up/down security panel across the entire front. Did they break in one of the alley doors? And yes, the lawlessness continues…🤬🤬

  • Scott May 28, 2024 (1:48 pm)

    I caught someone trying to remove my plates and switch them with some stolen ones about 2 weeks ago. 

  • Lisa May 28, 2024 (2:01 pm)

    Why is this city being soft on crime? Over the last few years we have seen many friends (good people with children and jobs and contributors to our society) leave because of lawlessness. How do we get the politicians to give the power back to the police? And, reinforce it through the courts?

    • Seattlite May 28, 2024 (8:08 pm)

      Lisa…Seattle’s voters need to vote for city council members and mayors who want law and order.  If the voters do that, Seattle’s policies will change for the better as pro-law enforcement and pro-law and order.    Good and honest prosecutors and judges are also necessary for law and order.  It all comes down to voting for candidates who have the BEST interests of Seattle’s citizens at heart.  The Number ONE job of a mayor is to protect a city’s citizens.  Do you think that important expectation is being met today in Seattle?

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