West Seattle church/synagogue hit by vandalism/theft multiple times. You’re invited to be part of ‘joyful event’ in response

(Alki UCC photo: Celebration for newest banners, March 14 – before yet another act of vandalism)

The church Alki UCC and the synagogue Kol HaNeshamah have shared the building at 6115 SW Hinds for more than 20 years. Both hold not only regular services but also do community work as part of their commitment to social justice. And they’ve been dealing with a recurring problem: “In the past nine months, the Pride/Trans and Black Lives Matter banners hanging from the front of our building were vandalized and replaced multiple times. After the fifth recent vandalism, we began to imagine together the possibility of a different response.” You’re invited to be part of that response; details shortly, but first, here’s what’s happened so far:

ï‚· August 7, 2023: Rainbow Pride Flag and Trans Pride Flag torn down by unknown perpetrator. A police report was filed; we immediately replaced the flags.

ï‚· February 18, 2024: Rainbow Pride Flag and Trans Pride Flag torn down; report filed.

ï‚· February 27, 2024: Black Lives Matter Flag torn from its frame and security camera cord severed. Police report filed.

ï‚· On March 10, higher-quality Pride Progress Flag and Black Lives Matter flags installed on sturdy frames and dedicated on March 17.

ï‚· March 23, 2024: Black Lives Matter flag removed from its frame and later found in the street. The Progress Pride flag was partially removed from its frame. The security camera cord had been severed. Police report was filed, and the flags were replaced the same day.

ï‚· March 29, 2024: Black Lives Matter flag ripped, removing 2/3 of the image, and not recovered. Police report filed.

Rather than immediately replacing the Black Lives Matter banner after that last incident, the congregations “consulted with a local artist to collaborate on how to best transform the sign into a statement of love and justice. The words of the prophet Amos, quoted by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., called to us: ‘Let justice roll down like water.’ The scripture text will be highlighted with a river of grace flowing from the torn edge.”

As part of that, the congregations invite the community to join them in front of the building on Sunday (May 19) between 11:15 am and 12:30 pm: “50 days after the tearing of the flag, we will gather together to paint the prophetic words and evocative image on the sign.” The community is invited “to join us to add their personal expression to this community collaboration by painting a letter or splash of river. We’ll have art tables with materials for all to imagine what justice looks like.” They promise it will be an “all-ages joyful event” also including refreshments and “a sing-along to songs of love and justice with Alki UCC Music Director Stephen Anthony Rawson.”

7 Replies to "West Seattle church/synagogue hit by vandalism/theft multiple times. You're invited to be part of 'joyful event' in response"

  • Green gurl May 13, 2024 (6:49 pm)

    This makes me very sad and I feel very sorry for the individual or individuals that cannot find anything better to do with their time. I do love the positive response by the congregants of both Alki UCC and Kol HaNeshamah. Being proactive is the way to go. “What goes around comes around”. Karma gonna get ‘cha, vandals! I have no doubts about that. 

  • ML May 13, 2024 (7:26 pm)

    I love this so much. What a lovely way to turn acts of destruction into a community connection and a shared experience to replenish and restore a message of unity and inclusion. 

  • Arbor Heights Resident May 13, 2024 (8:19 pm)

    Wishing that justice indeed rolls down like water on the sad person(s) responsible for this vandalism. At this point perhaps a security camera would be in order, though I understand if they don’t want one.

    • Daniel May 13, 2024 (11:30 pm)

      From the article, it sounds like they already have at least one security camera (which was itself vandalized).

      • Neighbor May 14, 2024 (3:39 am)

        Sounds like it may have been severed twice.  Seems like the camera should be placed in a way that it covers any approach to the cables.  Sad that it is needed at all.

  • PSPS May 13, 2024 (9:20 pm)

    Sadly, it will be a long time before the stench of MAGA blows away.

  • Adam May 14, 2024 (7:54 am)

    This may not be a popular response, but I actually think this can turn into a beautiful moment. Too often we try and hurt those we disagree with, everything becomes a tit-for-tat. This conversion fromvandalism into art, with the intention of showing grace to those who don’t agree with them, can be a symbol of how we should all move away from constantly creating conflict as a response to disagreement. I don’t know how effective it’ll actually be, but replacing the signs hadn’t been effective. Standing strong in the face of this repeated destruction, to me, feels nice given what I’ve seen lately when people forego ingenuous and rational debate for the chance to attack and hurt the other side. 

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