Last day to register for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2024!

Last call to register a sale for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2024 on Saturday, May 11! One year short of its 20th anniversary (the first WSCGSD was in 2005), West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day will be bigger than ever this year, with more than 450 sales registered. We’ve read through 400 of those registrations so far and the variety is impressive to say the least! Descriptions range from “museum-quality dumpster finds” to “kitschy treasure-hunting vibe” … there’s a “kitchenware-palooza,” “teen-curated clothes/shoes,” businesses with Garage Sale Day deals … two sales promising DJs … The map and guide will be ready a week in advance so you can browse it all (or just look for the sales near you). Registration ends at 11:30 pm tonight, so if your sale isn’t signed up yet, don’t wait another minute … go here to register!

1 Reply to "Last day to register for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2024!"

  • H20K9 April 26, 2024 (8:35 am)

    Just curious, why does it cost $12  (no big deal really) to have a garage sale in my own garage?Where does the money collected go?Hope the weather cooperates !

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