CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: What Fauntleroy Schoolhouse burglar stole from preschool

We have more information tonight about what the burglar who hit Fauntleroy Schoolhouse earlier this week did across the street on the Fauntleroy Church campus. According to a church representative, he didn’t break into that building, but “took items from the exterior of Hazelwood Preschool which were of low value and very strange.” The preschool is on the lower level of the church building, off the parking lot. The church representative says the items stolen from the preschool included these:

Outdoor mat
Acorn birdhouse
Rainbow whale windsock
Rainbow fish windsock
Wind Chimes and Windcatcher
Garden gnome

He also took daffodils from the planting done by the students.

A security camera shows him leaving via Junction-bound RapidRide C Line – which stops in front of the schoolhouse (9100 block California SW) – after bringing the stolen items (including larger ones from the schoolhouse businesses) onto the bus via a stolen hand truvk. If you have any information about the burglary/theft, the SPD incident # is 24-095013.

6 Replies to "CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: What Fauntleroy Schoolhouse burglar stole from preschool"

  • Denise April 11, 2024 (9:56 pm)

    Why didn’t the bus driver report it. It was unusual, I would hope. 

    • KD April 12, 2024 (5:32 am)

      Denise; because WE would get in trouble for supposed HARASSMENT of a benign customer! Do you know how much Metro chiefs and management reams the drivers?? Remember, you know what was stolen and suspicious because of the reported story, but if we were to question and assumption of an oddness carrying a bunch of items, plus the drivers take a LOT of verbal and sometimes physical abuse for asking a question. That driver had no idea what belonged to the criminal or not. We see all types of oddity every day and to ‘report’ it.. well, dispatchers and police would be questioning us why. 

    • Claudia Williams April 12, 2024 (6:23 am)

      Haha! Sorry, but the stuff bus drivers see would make that probably the least odd thing during a shift. And the drivers have enough to handle. And it’s not their place to question what a rider brings on the bus unless the items are not allowed on the bus. 

    • jrs April 12, 2024 (9:05 am)

      There’s no way to know it was stolen, and I have hauled all manner of large things across town on the bus.  It is not common, but it’s not a red flag either.

  • TheArroyos April 12, 2024 (12:48 am)

    Clearly you haven’t been on metro lately. 

  • WS parent April 12, 2024 (9:05 am)

    This preschool is a non-profit and run by amazing people. If you feel like helping them replace items they have a few ways to support the school:

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