CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Teenage carjacking suspects arraigned

One day after the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office filed felony charges against the two teenage boys arrested in a Burien ravine after Friday’s armed carjacking in a West Seattle alley, both were arraigned this afternoon. The 15- and 17-year-old suspects both pleaded not guilty, and Judge Veronica Galvan agreed with prosecutors that both should remain in juvenile detention. The next hearing for the younger suspect is a week from today; the older suspect’s next hearing is May 7th. Both are charged with first-degree robbery, second-degree unlawful gun possession, and second-degree taking a motor vehicle without permission (related to the Audi carjacked in West Seattle); the 15-year-old is also charged with possession of a stolen vehicle (related to the Hyundai in which they arrived at the carjacking location).

17 Replies to "CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Teenage carjacking suspects arraigned"

  • Alki resident April 18, 2024 (6:42 pm)

    Screenshot the judges name. She has my vote. Keep them and charge them. Enough is enough before they kill someone’s family member. This highly affected my family members and their entire neighborhood that nite. Again kudos to law enforcement for pinning them. 

    • Concerned citizen April 19, 2024 (9:25 pm)

      Well, the most serious gun charges they should be facing, seems they were not actually charged with.

      • WSB April 19, 2024 (9:47 pm)

        They could be charged later, as happened in another case this spring.

        • Concerned citizen April 19, 2024 (10:03 pm)

          Do you know which case you are referring to by chance? I’ve yet to see anyone charged with possession of an automatic weapon despite this being a rapidly growing problem in Washington. 

  • James April 18, 2024 (8:07 pm)

    Wow! I’m surprised the judges took the prosecutors recommendation for once and are keeping both these individuals in jail. Let’s hope they remain behind bars even after their next court appearances take place. Thanks for keeping us updated on this story. 

  • Robbie B April 18, 2024 (8:39 pm)

    I’m legitimately surprised that the judge agreed to keep them in the clink! Hopefully others learn from this and think twice before committing a felony. 

  • 1994 April 18, 2024 (8:49 pm)

    I support Judge Veronica Galvan’s decisiothat both should remain in juvenile detention.   These crimes are serious and warrant serious consequences.  Thanks Judge Galvan!And thank you WSB for keeping us informed on these cases.

  • Zipda April 18, 2024 (9:32 pm)

    Starting early on a criminal career sadly.

  • Rod April 19, 2024 (7:00 am)

    We’re these two of school drop-outs of current concern?

    • WSB April 19, 2024 (10:42 am)

      If you’re asking whether they were current school students, no idea, court documents don’t usually get into that, nor juvenile suspects’ addresses unless they factor into the police narrative such as arrest location (not applicable in this case). This crime took place on a Friday night FWIW so for all we know they were in school earlier that day.

  • WSRob April 19, 2024 (8:04 am)

    I can understand the legal issue with not posting the names of juveniles that commit crimes, but maybe we can post the names of the parent(s)? Seems like a fair ask. 

    • Ottomatica April 19, 2024 (1:24 pm)

      What would be the purpose of publishing the parents’ names? 

    • A Citizen April 21, 2024 (1:50 pm)

      Ottomatica 100% agree and until parents are punished for their kids criminal behavior, they don’t care… until society pushes for accountability from the parents, this society has regressed to a wild Wild West mentality.

  • PDiddy April 19, 2024 (8:22 am)

    Given the use of a weapon and the level of risk of harm and disregard for another’s personal safety they should be charged as adults.

  • snowskier April 19, 2024 (8:56 am)

    I’m very pleasantly surprised that home monitoring wasn’t offered to these two while their cases are being figured out.  Jail isn’t the solution in all cases but it is needed in some which is why shutting down the youth detention center is horrible idea.  These two are currently a ‘menace to society’ (maybe they won’t be in the future) but for now keeping us safe from them is a good idea. 

  • Thomas April 19, 2024 (9:07 am)

    Its about time juvenile defendants be held responsible for their actions. They need to know there are consequences for the crimes they committed. Putting a ankle monitor on them hasn’t worked. We need the Juvenile detention facility more then ever!

  • Dog Whisperer April 20, 2024 (12:32 pm)

    Hold the parents responsible. Watch juvenile crime plummet. 

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