Here’s what Metro’s next service change brings to four West Seattle routes

(WSB photo, March 6)

Metro has just gone public with its list of what’ll be different after the next semiannual “service change,” which takes effect two weeks from tomorrow (on Saturday, March 30). The full list is on this page; here are four West Seattle routes with changes, with links to their new timetables:

ROUTE 21 – adding one trip late Sunday nights

ROUTE 56 AND ROUTE 57: Changes (including three weekday deletions on 56) are planned to “align” these two routes “and provide service approximately every 20 minutes between routes 56 and 57.”

RAPID RIDE H LINE: “On Saturday and Sunday, between 6 am and 8 am, several trips will be added at the direction of the city of Seattle to better align Seattle Transit Measure service investment with the city’s goals.”

17 Replies to "Here's what Metro's next service change brings to four West Seattle routes"

  • Al King March 15, 2024 (5:01 pm)

    Safe to assume Alki and Genesee Hill will never see bus service again?

    • WSB March 15, 2024 (8:54 pm)

      That’s a followup question I didn’t get around to asking today but it’s on my list for Monday – when do “suspended” routes like the 37 just become “ended” routes?

    • Herongrrrl March 15, 2024 (10:01 pm)

      Thanks for asking, Al, and WSB. Would love to see route 37 return to Beach Drive, too.

  • Person March 15, 2024 (5:41 pm)

    For a second I was hopeful the 57 would be made useful for me. It would be life changing it it ran more often.

    • Robbie B March 15, 2024 (11:11 pm)

      As someone who grew up in the Admiral and had friends sprinkled around Genesse, the 51 back then was invaluable. There used to be a lot more 50’s. Remember the 55 and the 54? I wish we had them ALL back. It’s really, really unfortunate that the 57 has been relegated to commuter status. It cuts so many people off.

      • Bus rider March 16, 2024 (7:37 am)

        I miss Route 55! It’s a quicker commute for me to walk to Admiral Way and catch 56/57 than it is to ride 50 to the Junction and transfer to another bus. 

      • Bus March 16, 2024 (9:32 am)

        The C line replaced the 54.  It follow the same route and serves the same neighborhoods (in West Seattle, at least).  The only change was that it stops at Westwood now, instead of going all the way to White Center.

  • Javier March 15, 2024 (7:19 pm)

    Now that companies have RTO, would be nice to have 56/57 service throughout the day. Not everyone works the same hours. 

    • WS resident March 19, 2024 (4:15 pm)

      At tech companies, people rarely get in before 9 am let alone 8:30 am when the latest 57 drops off. It’s just not useful currently.

  • newnative March 15, 2024 (11:11 pm)

    I don’t like the afternoon changes for the 56/57. It means I have to wait longer for my connection home. it’s going to turn my commute into at least an hour. 

  • Carol March 15, 2024 (11:43 pm)


    • anonyme March 16, 2024 (6:10 am)

      Not to mention the fact that Arbor Heights has ZERO weekend service.  Levy after levy, Metro promises to increase service but it never happens.

  • Gary R March 16, 2024 (5:25 pm)

    Metro projects are tied to labor but have come at the cost of quality of life expense:

    • 1.Longer commutes/wait times
    • 2.Less/poor security, cowardice toward gang/drug activity
    • 3.No focus on noise reduction and sound proofing
    • 4.Lack of integration with local business or. UBER services
    • 5.Rapid Ride is Rapid Stops, not faster to destinations.
    • 6.Lack of concierge support to bus drivers helping riders catch their transfers to other busses or ferries.
    • 7.Lack of bullet/blast resistance in walls, glass and seats.
    • 8.Poor climate control, fogging windows, Low Circulation of air and filtration 
    • 9.No complimentary charging of phones (On/Off bus) even though your phone can validate your bus pass.
    • 10.No high quality gas shock absorption for the rider chassis (only the bus driver)
  • April March 18, 2024 (10:08 am)

    We need buses that run from 2am-4 am! If you want people to stop driving drunk than provide them with the public transportation at the hours needed. 

    • Griz March 25, 2024 (3:29 pm)

      People drive drunk because of a lack of public transportation?  Thanks; I didn’t know that.  All this time, I thought people drove drunk because bad decisions won’t make themselves.  So it’s Metro’s fault.  Got it!  ”give us bus service when the bars close, OR ELSE!”

  • Jeff March 18, 2024 (10:57 am)

    Run the trains and busses 24/7. We are such a stupid fake city sometimes. Let’s grow up and be like Chicago and NYC. We are a big boy city. Run them all night!

    • Al King March 19, 2024 (5:04 pm)

      Jeff. That would mean more drivers and mechanics. Do you know people that want to drive transit busses/trains/light rail?? Do you know people that want to work as mechanics??? Are YOU applying or are you upset others aren’t??

Sorry, comment time is over.