WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Crash-and-grab at a familiar location

Thanks for the tips and photo. That’s the aftermath of yet another crash-and-grab burglary (or attempt) at Global Smoke and Vape (35th/Roxbury), hit repeatedly in recent months. According to police audio, it happened just before 3:30 am; the 911 caller reported seeing two people get out of the vehicle that was used, and into a second one to get away. The vehicle left behind was radioed in as a 2015 Kia Optima that officers believed to have been an “unreported stolen” registered to someone in Auburn. We don’t know if burglars made it into the store to take anything or not. P.S. The Twitter/X call log shows police were also called to the strip mall around the same time Thursday for a suspected burglary, but we don’t have information on how that turned out.

24 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Crash-and-grab at a familiar location"

  • flimflam February 17, 2024 (1:43 pm)

    This has gotten beyond ridiculous. I realize these cars are easy to steal but, knowing that, the owners should be taking extra measures to try to prevent this from happening seemingly every single day. 

    • Wut? February 17, 2024 (7:20 pm)

      I totally agree. It’s utterly ridiculous that some people’s first step is to victim blame (or manufacturer blame) instead of sending their ire toward the actual criminals. Mind boggling, honestly. 

      • flimflam February 17, 2024 (8:56 pm)

        I completely agree that the companies are at the top of the negligence chain and was quite sure I’d be accused of victim blaming. The thefts suck, as do the crash and grabs – everyone knows this is happening though, free “clubs” have been offered. Unfortunately with this constant cycle of thefts, etc people need to be proactive.

      • K February 17, 2024 (9:11 pm)

        Fun fact: you can both hold criminals accountable for their behavior AND hold car manufacturers accountable for knowingly shipping vehicles with a defect that will cost owners a lot of additional money because they were too cheap to install a $50 part on $40,000 vehicles.  The existence of criminals does not make the manufacturers innocent.

  • anonyme February 17, 2024 (2:28 pm)

    I hope police get to the bottom of what is really going on with that business. It’s become ridiculous. Given the frequency of these break-ins, they could just stake it out.  I picked up a pizza next door just last night, and it’s a shame that a nice family with a legitimate business is having to deal with the fallout of this.

    • Tired WS Mom February 17, 2024 (7:45 pm)

      I was there last night too. I really enjoy the family that owns the pizza place. I really hope this doesn’t drive their business away. 

  • Millie February 17, 2024 (3:28 pm)

    It is beyond “coincidental” this one business is the recipient of crime every other, if not every, week.  

  • Brandon February 17, 2024 (4:22 pm)

    So what was the point of the bollards again? Besides being the tail end of the joke that is seattle crime and being visually unappealing while serving no purpose.

    • Alki resident February 17, 2024 (8:42 pm)

      If installed properly they will high center a car. These were bolted down and aren’t working for these store owners. At this point, they need to install concrete blocks. They own a second store, I’ll go talk to them tomorrow about changing up their method that’s not working. 

  • David Axt February 17, 2024 (5:26 pm)

    Those bollards were bolted down. That will not stop a car. They need to drill a deep hole and sink the bollards in concrete. That will stop a car!

  • Rob February 17, 2024 (5:45 pm)

    As I mentioned before  those Ballard’s were worthless.  They need to be sunken down at least 18 inches.  Not just small bolts in side walk

  • BDJ February 17, 2024 (7:59 pm)

    So sad for the business! Clearly someone has some sort of issue with them. Maybe they could try using those huge cement freeway divider block set in front of the store. It might take some kind of heavy equipment to put them in place but they might actually stop a car from smashing in the doors. With as many Kia’s that have been stolen and totaled, at some point there’s not going to be any left to steal.  

  • Neighborly February 17, 2024 (10:21 pm)

    I honestly couldn’t care less about a business whose sole purpose is importing and peddling highly addictive and carcinogenic nicotine & vaping products in our community. This is not a respectable business model that helps anyone, only hurts.

    • Not Neighborly at all February 18, 2024 (3:26 am)

      Everyone is entitled to one’s opinion I guess even A$$holes. Does not mean or make any difference in the level of seriousness or the fact that it is just wrong. It’s not up to you to say other wise. This is why there are federal regulations laws and consumer precautions noted on all their products. But fyi this is not the only inventory the business distributes but for us grown adults that choose to partake in an occasional or habitual smoke of a multitude of varieties some herbal others not so herbal. Regardless we as grown adults have the prerogative to make these decisions for ourselves adding the convenience of one being local offering discounts to legal means of less sinister decisions we are fully aware of its dangers and hazards when doing so instead of getting stuck with having to pay the higher prices at these big chain franchised stores where the business interaction of said transactions are far from personable let alone enjoyable. It’s nice to be able to have that option. One thing is for sure it’s no where as deadly as the choices of choosing to instead occasionally or habitually consume any alcohol beverages which to date is still the most highly addictive and deadly choice of addiction on all scales. Just because this family owned business is not one that distributes products to your liking doesn’t take away from how unfortunate and devastating just trying to be a successful business owner within their own rights. How would you feel if this was your own personal residence that was a continual target for criminals but due to your lack of compassion for your fellow community members it made those actions not such a big deal. This is the kind of behavior that just isn’t very neighborly at all.On a side note the after market locks being offered  for these models have proven to be not so effective outside of the gas pedal lock. The ones with the aftermarket steering and or ignition locks are still being easily bypassed. Which is why even after taking advantage of these additional measures to protect one self from becoming a victim of theft or a reoccurring target isn’t sitting well with insurance providers what so ever. My sister who is a Kia owner never having her vehicle stolen before with the gas pedal aftermarket lock was dropped from her insurance company forcing her to outsource a insurance company which had proven almost impossible to find a new insurance company. Her model is one not sought out for by the Kia boyz  newer model with proper aftermarket theft protection never being a victim of theft yet and she was left having to scramble for a company willing to insure her. And not many we’re willing to offer her protection. I know she can’t be the only individual facing this recent turn of events that comes with being a Kia or a Hyundai owner.

    • Not smoking in the boys room February 18, 2024 (5:13 am)

      Yes and I totally agree with you!  This business does nothing for the community but contributes to people’s addiction to smoking and shoving a vapor in their mouth to continue the disgusting habit of being addicted to tobacco products and related products of vaping.

    • Alki resident February 18, 2024 (8:42 am)

      So I’m guessing you don’t go to grocery stores either? They sell booze, sugar, cigarettes, lottery tickets etc. 

      • Alki February 18, 2024 (10:10 am)

        News flash grocery stores don’t sell bongs

        • Byron James February 18, 2024 (3:37 pm)

          Nobody said that grocery stores sell bongs.

        • Alki resident February 18, 2024 (4:07 pm)

          News flash, anyone that’s smokes already has their bongs. Not sure why you singled out one item of all that they sell there. Had nothing to do with my comment. 

          • Neighborly February 18, 2024 (6:47 pm)

            Let’s stay on topic. It’s straight up multi favored nicotine vape juice, and single serve multi-flavored vape devices that are being sold at these places, that end up with kids (https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN1TQ2UL/).These “vape & smoke” shops know exactly the merch that’s being stolen, if they stopped carrying Nico-juice and prefilled-devices, they probably wouldn’t be as much as a target. Would RATHER they just stuck to bongs & batteries.Hope the criminals get caught, and crime is bad, however i have ZERO empathy for “Global smoke & vape” and the like, because of the nature of how they primarily make their money off the addiction and cancer causing products.Empathy for the nail & pizza shop that has to put up with the collateral damage from this poison of a business model.

          • Alki resident February 18, 2024 (7:35 pm)

            Those stores do t force you to buy their products and smoke them. They deserve to be here like anyone else. The whole row of businesses do. Not sure why your comment is even allowed here. If you don’t like it don’t shop there. Pretty simple. 

    • heyalki February 18, 2024 (2:28 pm)

      So committing crimes is ok but only if it’s against people who don’t have your personal values? OK.Regardless of your opinions on the victims, it’s bad for the entire community to let criminals get away with any crime against ANYONE. Pretty sure we wouldn’t agree on every topic, but I wouldn’t condemn you and wish you had something terrible happen to you bc I didn’t agree with your lifestyle. Have some empathy for others…jesus christ

  • Robbie B February 17, 2024 (10:44 pm)

    They’ve been robbed….what? Six times now? It’s incredible how this just goes on and on and on.

  • 1994 February 17, 2024 (11:33 pm)

    Time to park a huge old clunker in front of the door.  The car thieves need to be caught! 

Sorry, comment time is over.