Andrea reports a sighting shared by a neighbor while out dog-walking: “2 coyotes were spotted crossing Alaska Street at 48th Ave SW going into Ercolini Park at 10 PM last night.” Remember that coexistence with coyotes depends on keeping them at a distance, with tactics like what Jen B described in yesterday’s report.

2 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE COYOTES: Double sighting"

  • Bob Smith February 1, 2024 (8:01 pm)

    I recommend keeping cats indoors….as much as they want to go out….I mean, for the most part, they are maybe 10 lbs and don’t have much chance defending themselves from this apex preditor…my theory is that in the past…farms surrounded the city and the farmers didn’t like losing chickens and cats and other small animals to coyotes…so they blew them away (the coyotes )…without the farmers…the coyotes were able to move into the city…and do whatever they want. 

  • Emma February 3, 2024 (12:28 am)

    Just saw Coyotes in High Point, Walt Hundley park.

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