WEEKEND PREVIEW: New girls’ water-polo team plans ‘Tread-a-thon’

We’ve reported before on the impending launch of a new high-school girls’ water-polo team. The players fought for, and won, permission – but that doesn’t come with funding, since it’s a “club sport.” So they’ve planned a unique fundraiser for tomorrow – outside West Seattle, but you can support online. Also note they’re still recruiting players! Here’s the announcement:

Members of the newly formed girls’ West Seattle Water Polo Team are holding an event to raise funds for startup costs associated with their first season. The Tread-a-thon is this Saturday, February 10, from 3-5 pm at Medgar Evers Pool. Players will tread for 100 minutes without touching the sides or bottom of the pool and without using floatation devices. Sponsors are invited to pledge per minute or a flat amount. Members of the team invite the West Seattle community to help by donating to their cause!

The girls forming this team attended several of [former School Board director] Leslie Harris’s community meetings in an effort to gain permission to field a team in the local high school league. Permission was granted by the league, but no funds are being provided by the school or district for the team. Donations will fund scholarships, pay for pool-rental time, league fees, and equipment.

Girls from any high school are welcome to join the team. Head coach Truly Dorland is ready to quickly bring new players to proficiency. Practices will be 2 mornings per week before school with home games on Friday evening. Season starts February 26th and runs to mid-May.

For more information, email wshswaterpolo@gmail.com.

Donations can be made to WSBooster by putting “Water Polo” in the notes.

1 Reply to "WEEKEND PREVIEW: New girls' water-polo team plans 'Tread-a-thon'"

  • John February 9, 2024 (7:51 pm)

    I remember decades ago reading an article regarding the testing of athletes who participated in the 1984 summer Olympics in Los Angeles.This article stated the most physically fit athletes, as tested, were the water polo players.

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