5:06 PM: We did get into the 30s today – but the temperature’s below freezing again already, and that’s still causing trouble. Thanks to the readers who’ve reported weather-related problems – for example, the sign up on the door at Spud Fish and Chips on Alki, closed because of broken pipes. We’ve also heard from a reader who reports:
We live on 35th between Brandon and Findlay. There seems to be some kind of water leak nearer Findlay that is running down the street and is now just a sheet of ice.
We pointed them to Seattle Public Utilities (206-386-1800). More weather notes to come.
6:25 PM: Though the weather was very cold, the views were beautiful again today. Above, Lynn Hall‘s photo of the Olympics early this morning; below, Kanit Cottrell‘s photo of the sunset colors and moon at day’s end:
We’ve also received yet another report of pipe trouble – a reader who says an apartment building in the Fairmount Park area is dealing with flooding after a break. And SPU’s water-outage map shows emergency repairs are under way in the 7700 block of 20th SW, with an outage affecting more than 70 homes. (The map also says the situation on 55th SW reported here last night was repaired by 12:30 am.) Today’s official high was 31, official low 19; normal would be 48/38.
7:30 PM: A commenter reports service has been restored in the 7700 block of 20th SW. A new problem has popped up – a reader emailed to say that water is flowing from the northwest corner of California/Juneau (former fitness studio) and down the street, so beware of possible road ice in that area.