Here’s our list of what’s up today/tonight, mostly from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar.
MOON ROOM SHOP AND WELLNESS SALE: In person (5902 1/2 California SW) and online, two-day 15% sale all weekend at Moon Room Shop and Wellness (open 11 am-5 pm, and 24/7 online; WSB sponsor).
FREE! GROUP RUN: Start your Saturday with this weekly West Seattle Runner (2743 California SW) group run! All levels welcome. Meet at the shop by 8 am.
FREE! HEAVILY MEDITATED: Arrive by 8:50 am for community meditation at Move2Center (3618 SW Alaska). Free event but registration required.
MARATHON & HALF-MARATHON: You might see a few more runners on Alki than usual this morning – dozens will be participating in the Tukwila to Alki Half-Marathon/Marathon.
SCHOOL CLEANUP: 10 am, help clean up around Highland Park Elementary (1012 SW Trenton) – meet on the west side by the dumpsters.
ROSEFIT SELF-CARE WORKSHOP: Half-day workshop at Rosefit (4517 California SW), 10 am-2 pm – details in our calendar listing.
SSC GARDEN CENTER: Scheduled to be open today:
We are open 10 am-2 pm on Fridays and Saturdays! We have all your indoor plant needs, with pots, advice and more! Plus, any last-minute winter outside plants you might need. The Garden Center at South Seattle College provides Landscape Horticulture students the opportunity to increase their knowledge of plants while gaining real-world retail experience. Plants available for sale are selected, propagated, grown and presented by students. Additional plants are brought in from local growers. Proceeds benefit Landscape Horticulture Program projects.The selection includes perennials, ground covers, shrubs, some annual edibles and flowers, as well as indoor plants. The Garden Center is located in the North Parking Lot at South Seattle College (6000 16th Ave SW)
FREE WRITING GROUP: 10:30 am in West Seattle, registration required – see full details in our calendar listing.
FAMILY READING TIME: Every Saturday at 11 am at Paper Boat Booksellers (6040 California SW).
HIGHLAND PARK ELEMENTARY FUNDRAISER FT. DICK’S BURGER TRUCK: 11 am-2 pm, the Dick’s Drive-In truck is at Highland Park Corner Store (7789 Highland Park Way SW) as part of a Highland Park Elementary PTA fundraiser featuring special sodas, beer, and raffle items.
VIETNAMESE CULTURAL CENTER: The center is open to visitors noon-3 pm, as explained here. (2234 SW Orchard)
LOG HOUSE MUSEUM OPEN: The home of West Seattle history is open to visitors, noon-4 pm. (61st/Stevens)
VISCON CELLARS: Tasting room open – wine by the glass or bottle – 1-6 pm at Viscon Cellars (5910 California SW; WSB sponsor).
POTTERY WORKSHOP: 1-3 pm at The Clay Cauldron (5214 Delridge Way SW), details in our calendar listing.
NORTHWEST WINE ACADEMY: Tasting room/wine bar open 1-6 pm, north end of South Seattle College (6000 16th SW; WSB sponsor) campus.
INTIMATE CONCERT SERIES: Music at Alki Arts (6030 California SW; WSB sponsor), 6 pm – tonight, Raeann Phillips. $20 suggested donation (goes directly to musician).
LIVE AT KENYON HALL: 7 pm, Caleb & Reeb, ft. Golden Shoals, at Kenyon Hall (7904 35th SW), tickets here.
ALL-AGES OPEN MIC: 7-10 pm at The Spot West Seattle (2920 SW Avalon Way)
LIVE AT THE SKYLARK: West Seattle’s drag extravaganza, West End Girls, at The Skylark (3803 Delridge Way SW), hosted by Cookie Couture, 8 pm, tickets here or at the door.
BEATS: Saturday night DJ at Revelry Room – 9 pm, tonight it’s Almond Brown. (4547 California SW, alley side)
KARAOKE: Saturday night, sing at Talarico’s Pizzeria (4718 California SW), starting at 10 pm, with Michael Van Fleet.
Planning a concert, open house, show, sale, event, meeting, seminar, reading, field trip, fundraiser, class, game, or ? If the community’s welcome, get your event on our calendar! Please email info to – thank you!
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