WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Teens detained after Rite-Aid incident

Police were called to the Rite-Aid store on California SW this past hour after staff detained two teenage boys who were initially reported to have tried to steal a cash register.

They were transferred into police custody. We’re looking into whether they are the same two teenagers reported in social-media discussions to have been wreaking havoc, particularly in businesses, for months; one reader emailed us about her family being harassed in a restaurant last night and finding out that the teens were known for similar incidents.

UPDATED MONDAY: We checked back with SPD. Here’s how they summarized the incident in response to our inquiry: “Two juvenile males, ages 14 and 16, were arrested for theft. Charges were requested and the juveniles were identified and later released to legal guardians. It appears the two suspects entered the business. One suspect asked a store employee for assistance while the other suspect attempted to steal cash from the register. Both suspects were detained prior to police arrival.”

100 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Teens detained after Rite-Aid incident"

  • Rhonda January 5, 2024 (9:18 pm)

    Hopefully, they’ll spend the weekend in the new juvenile detention center.

    • OK January 5, 2024 (10:42 pm)

      There’s no juvenile detention center now (we voted it out apparently?), hence the problem. There’s nowhere to put these kids. The police officer told us as much when we submitted our report. When you see something, report it. That’s the only way to move this issue forward – that’s what the cops told us. 

      • WSB January 5, 2024 (10:50 pm)

        Yes, there IS a juvenile detention center. We have reported recently on teenagers arrested and booked into it. Read about the Youth Services Center (part of its formal name) here:

        • OK January 5, 2024 (11:03 pm)

          Very confused, WSB. This is the opposite of what Seattle Police told us when they came to our home and reported our incident. They said,’The detention center is closed. A felony must be committed for these kids to be detained. ’I would check with Seattle Police to verify the veracity of your claim. Happy to send you our officer report and badge number, if needed. 

          • WSB January 5, 2024 (11:29 pm)

            No, sorry, if someone told you that, they were *wrong*. It’s not a claim, it’s the truth. I have covered multiple juvenile-involved cases lately involving suspects held at the youth detention center, including some still there now. Again, you can read about the center in the link in my last comment. The center can *decline* to book some suspects, and as the main page says, they focus on the most serious cases, but it’s not closed – TR

            P.S. You’ll also find reports in other media, like this recent KUOW story that has a photo of the facility as well as the line “There were 631 bookings into juvenile detention in 2023, compared to 416 in 2022.” – TR

          • J January 6, 2024 (12:31 pm)

            Sounds like a standard case of SPD not wanting to do their jobs.

          • how about photos? January 5, 2024 (11:34 pm)

            Maybe post photos of minors? Pictures of young boys is way better than an officer report, that’s why the story above has pictures of young boys and no details from the police.

          • Teri January 9, 2024 (2:12 pm)

            WSB’s ‘claim’?   You may not have meant for your comment  to sound rude, but it is.

      • Jort January 5, 2024 (10:55 pm)

        If the cops told you that, they were lying. Ask yourself: why would they do that? Seriously. Ask yourself. 

        • Mike January 6, 2024 (7:51 am)

          Seattle doesn’t have a youth detention center, King County does.  Here’s the recent details on it. https://www.seattletimes.com/opinion/editorials/put-the-brakes-on-plan-to-close-king-county-youth-detention-center/ activists are trying to close it and prevent any youth from being detained regardless of the crimes.  Ask yourself: why would they do that? Seriously. Ask yourself. 

        • heartless January 6, 2024 (8:13 am)

          It won’t work, Jort.  You can lead a horse to water and all that.  People are too far gone these days.  Contradictions and evidence slide right off of them.

        • M January 6, 2024 (8:44 am)

          One of the many reasons I don’t trust SPD!

        • WW Resident January 6, 2024 (10:06 am)

          Jort, why don’t you read what was said. The officer told them that unless it was a felony that they couldn’t detain them and this is true. The juvenile detention will not take them usually and so the punks are taken home to parents or guardians.Also why don’t you ask the question as to why Dow Constantine wants to abolish juvenile detention altogether. Ask yourself why? Seriously. Why would he do that? 

          • Josh January 6, 2024 (12:24 pm)

            Just as WSB reported recently they just booked some minors on non felony charges. The cop just fed you a narrative that fit their personal work ethic. 

          • M January 6, 2024 (1:59 pm)

            Did you honestly or wilfully miss the other part where the officer told them “The detention center is closed?” 

          • WW Resident January 7, 2024 (9:00 am)

            M, did you know that the juvenile detention center actually has closing hours at 8pm and that they won’t take, but the more heinous crimes after hours? But to you, did you willfully ignore the fact that Dow Constantine wants to abolish all juvenile detention centers? 

        • Rhonda January 6, 2024 (12:25 pm)

          Jort, we can’t book juveniles into the new detention center unless their crimes meet certain criteria: violent misdemeanor with possible gang affiliation, felony, no authorized parent or guardian to release them to, etc. Teens that steal a pair of Nikes and hungry homeless kids who steal food don’t end up there, regardless of what the misinformed activists say.

    • Mike January 9, 2024 (4:57 am)

      Maybe they can get a job and work til their fingers bleed like the rest of us do , did , and will do!!!

  • photos of minors online - not ok January 5, 2024 (9:54 pm)

    When did we start posting images of children online? Did that become OK in the last 48 hours? A friend pointed out a Reddit thread where some sickos are commenting on photos of children, identifying them by name and the school they attend. That’s not OK. It is not OK for the West Seattle Blog to post photos of minors. It is not OK. NOT OK.Please West Seattle, we are not under siege. These are children shoplifting, it happens everywhere very day. Put yourself in the shoes of them and their families. This is unnecessarily humiliating and dangerous. IT IS NOT OK.

    • West Seattle Mad Sci Guy January 5, 2024 (10:24 pm)

      I can only speak to this article – there is nothing identifying about that picture. They would have to be wearing the exact same clothes facing away from me with me reading the article for me to even suspect they’re the same person. And. Well. Anyone in these clothes and that length and color of hair would look like these people. In short regarding this article you’re overreacting. Can’t speak to reddit. Contact the admins or subreddit moderators with your concerns there. 

      • Bruh? January 5, 2024 (11:18 pm)

        Ummm.. You ok?  You OK?  YOU OK?!?!?ps.  It will be ok 

    • Get A Grip January 5, 2024 (10:25 pm)

      Maybe they should have thought of that before they TRIED TO STEAL A CASH REGISTER.

    • Chrissy D January 5, 2024 (10:28 pm)

      Huh? You do the crime, you get posted. This is OK.

    • Molly Coddle January 5, 2024 (10:32 pm)

      These “children” have been terrorizing people and businesses all over West Seattle, including threatening a family and making disturbing remarks that suggested they were targeting their baby. Clearly they shouldn’t be doxed but showing us at least what they look like, without showing their faces, gives us all a fighting chance so we know to avoid them. And if you think their parents are doing anything about their crime spree, the police told one of their victims that their parents simply don’t care.  

      • WS Resident January 6, 2024 (6:49 am)

        I wonder if it’s the same kids in the Reddit post?? My sister used to work in the PCC Market, and the small kid with the beanie and the other kid would go in and steal all the time. The father of the kid with the beanie eventually told every staff member and my sister to just call the cops on him because he doesn’t know what to do with him. Really sad parenting these days! 

    • Walkerws January 5, 2024 (10:44 pm)

      What is unnecessary and humiliating is the way these kids have treated the neighborhood. 

      • AMC January 6, 2024 (7:45 pm)

        Exactly. It was terrifying and humiliating when they verbally assaulted me with my 6 yo son. 

    • 1994 January 5, 2024 (11:04 pm)

      We can’t even see what they look like. They should feel humiliated and shamed! Shame on them! They are old enough to know better.  

    • S January 5, 2024 (11:12 pm)

      Awesome, thanks for drawing attention to the West Seattle Reddit thread. Now I know what the short kid’s face looks like, so that I can be wary if I see him. They are clearly dangerous.

      • Mom January 6, 2024 (10:33 am)

        Do readers have eyes? The photo that is now posted is the backs of the two male teenagers and not their faces! 

        • Jen January 6, 2024 (11:47 am)

          Their eyes apparently worl better than yours do, since the comment specifically addresses the West Seattle Reddit thread with their faces showing. 

      • pics on reddit January 6, 2024 (12:12 pm)

        I looked at the pics on reddit. they go to a local school. Hopefully that school is hooking their families up with counselor options as these kids need help and I hope the detention center staff also give them counseling options for the whole families. sad that these boys are so misdirected in life at their age.

    • Neighbor January 5, 2024 (11:13 pm)

      I agree, it’s not ok. That’s why we need to ban Tik Tok since from turning kid’s brains into spoiled broken sponges.With that said, if you can identify these teens from that photo above that does not show their faces, then you ought to share that technology with InterPol.

    • Todd Martin January 5, 2024 (11:27 pm)

      They are not shoplifting that is robbery. Too many strong arm robberies are happening by minors.  If you are old enough to rob a pot shop or a drug store, you are old enough to post your photo.

    • Alki resident January 6, 2024 (8:54 am)

      People like you who coddle a minors behavior is what’s wrong with our society. Minors aren’t just shoplifting. They’re carjacking, assaulting, tagging, destroying property and changing peoples lives. Maybe having their pics posted, they’ll change their behavior, embarrass their family and make drastic changes before they end up in prison. 

    • Oh Seattle January 6, 2024 (10:48 am)

      I bet you the two people in the picture will be posting it on their social accounts as soon as they know it exists. I promise you they aren’t “humiliated”.  And if the parents are humiliated?  Good. It’s their responsibility to keep their kids from harming others, which they are failing at.  Perhaps this will bring that point home and they’ll be better parents going forward. Or maybe they’ll just yell at West Seattle Blog and blame others for their parenting failures.

    • JP January 6, 2024 (11:16 am)

      No. “Shoplifting” a CASH REGISTER does not “happen everywhere every day”. Not Ok. NOT OK!!!

    • Anonymous January 6, 2024 (1:14 pm)

      First, check the Reddit thread and see that literally nobody gave away identifying information, and if they did, it was removed.  Second, instead of “b-but, think of the children!” How about you think of the people these kids have harassed (including assault and r*pe threats) or at least have an informed opinion before crying about it online?

    • Teri January 9, 2024 (2:28 pm)

      repeated use of your phrase “it’s not OK” takes away from the importance of the message you are trying to share.  So does your capitalization of full words… There’s no need to scream in your message.

  • OK January 5, 2024 (10:33 pm)

    Unlike dozens of people and businesses who have been repeatedly threatened and harassed by these teenagers for months and months, you must never have encountered them. False 911 reports (kid was on phone reporting to 911 that we had a weapon when we didn’t), harassments, damage to businesses, threatening to shoot people with guns, threats to beat up female bar tenders, the list goes on. Committing crimes is illegal, period, age regardless. We’re tired of our community being thrashed and our physical safety threatened by a couple of ne’er-do-wells whose parents give zero f–ks about them (as police has recounted when report was filed). It’s gotta stop.  

  • Admiral-2009 January 5, 2024 (10:33 pm)

    Most retail businesses have surveillance cameras, if you do not want your photos posted in the media do not do the crime.  

  • its all good January 5, 2024 (10:35 pm)

    This is a respectful article by West Seattle Blog. There are no names of children included, and no photo of children faces. 

  • just the facts please January 6, 2024 (12:04 am)

    The tall dark haired kid is the common denominator here. He has been involved in most all these incidents. Otherwise there is a small group of them and none of those other kids were involved in this situation at Rite Aid. Let’s stick to reporting facts and not assuming there are only 2 kids in West Seattle causing problems. 

  • Chip January 6, 2024 (12:46 am)

    I was the person waiting in line who saw the one stealing and grabbed him, blocked the other from leaving. One jumped the counter to steal cigarettes while the other distracted the cashier at the battery section. I didn’t see them try for the cash register I was was there from when they arrived.
    Hope this helps get them back on track, I gave them a pretty stern lecture. I remember being that age…

    • wsres January 6, 2024 (7:00 am)

      Thank you for giving a damn. kids that act out and make horrible choices like this have likely had no one keeping them accountable to anything at their home, or they have mental health issues. behaviors are a call out for attention and help.

    • oh so no stolen cash register? January 6, 2024 (10:16 am)

      Thanks for providing that clarity, Chip. So yes, this wasn’t the stated crime of stealing the cash register. It was a frequent stupid but also harmless crime of stealing cigarettes. As stated above, this happens in every city every day. It is a viable option to post photos of minors online in exactly none of those cities. Also not viable, especially in a forum specifically designed to enable commenters to take the story to a frequently illogical next chapter, is alleging charges based on uncited hearsay. But here we are.I’m calling you out, Tracy and West Seattle Blog. I’m calling you out, all you bloodthirsty commenters who spent your lonely Friday sharpening your fangs at the thought of ruining the future of two children. Photos of children posted without their parents’/guardians’ permission is dangerous and pointless. Ask any sane person, few of whom represent in this forum for sensationalist reactionaries. Shame shame shame.

      • Admiral Mom January 6, 2024 (11:52 am)

        Sunny, you sound like an enabler. No thanks. 

      • readitall January 6, 2024 (12:17 pm)

        you should read the reddit posts. what they are doing to people and local businesses is harassment and scary stuff. They have done more in the neighborhood besides steal cigarettes, which may be a petty crime, but is still a crime.

      • Rhonda January 6, 2024 (1:55 pm)

        oh so no stolen cash register?, you (or anyone else except maybe their parents) couldn’t identify who those kids in the photo are no matter how long you stare at the photo. Stop trying to shame victims and those concerned about violent youth.

      • Alki resident January 6, 2024 (3:10 pm)

        No stolen cash register because witnesses stopped them. I read the same article as everyone else. You must be the kids parent judging by your comments. Calling out the Blog was inappropriate. They did nothing wrong. We’re tired of the crime in our community and it’s pretty clear you’ve not been here very long since you’re dismissing the behaviors. How sad of you. 

      • Sillygoose January 7, 2024 (2:51 pm)

        You sound like one of the parents, they have destroyed their own futures along with their  parents who are clearly absent. We are all fed up with these creeps. 

      • alki_2008 January 7, 2024 (3:48 pm)

        This WSB photo looks like half the boys at WSHS from that angle. Nobody’s going to recognize them from the photo WSB posted.  Calm down and maybe focus your energy on mentoring such kids to keep them from doing these types of things that ruin their own futures.

    • Reader January 6, 2024 (10:23 am)

      Just the facts please: Thank you for describing what happened.

  • Poor Little Johnny January 6, 2024 (2:45 am)

    So much concern for the feelings of THEVES who are clearly old enough to know better. How about we post pictures of their parents, instead? Major kudos to the patron who had the guts to physically put themselves into what could have been a dangerous situation, and apply some true parenting advice the actual parents seem to have skipped. 

    • K January 6, 2024 (9:14 am)

      At what age are they NOT old enough to know better?  Do we lock up a 13-year-old who steals beer to impress his friends?  13-year-olds know right from wrong.  Should we publicly shame 5-year-olds who pocket candy and charge them as adults, sending them to adult jails?  5-year-olds know right from wrong.  Anyone who has spent any amount of time around kids knows a few kids who had a klepto phase or took something they shouldn’t, who had very decent parents and just needed that experience to learn the lesson.  Kids know right from wrong.  Their brains aren’t fully developed yet and don’t appreciate the consequences of their actions the way adults do (hence the teenager in critical condition for crashing a car that the 20-year-old bailed out of before hurting himself).  They are also wired to care more about what their friends think than anything.  That’s nature, not parenting.  So I ask again, what age do you think is old enough to “know better”?  Because the law has picked an age (despite it actually being years earlier than science has shown they understand consequences).  If you know more than scores of childhood development researchers, please do share.

  • GD January 6, 2024 (6:26 am)

    The problem is not that there isn’t a juvenile detention center, it is that the people in power, DPA’s office and some judges don’t want to detain any youth in our County. They want to try interventions and restorative justice, which, attempt after attempt hasn’t worked to the degree that they would like. The term, “Accountability” is not used anymore.  The truth is that the juvenile detention facility may have only about 60+ youth currently detained, but what happened to the other several hundred that were arrested. What the police may be referring to, is by the time they arrest, present to detention, go back to the the station and write up the report, the youth are released to a parent or guardian, that should have known where they child was, but didn’t.  30 years of working with juvenile offenders and accountability, punishment, treatment, counseling and monitoring worked. So throw all that out and what we have now is youth lack of accountability and more crime. Wake Up Seattle.  

  • Carson January 6, 2024 (6:58 am)

    I understand why the WSB can’t publish these kids faces, but you need to go to Reddit so you know what they look like. 

    • Teri January 9, 2024 (2:38 pm)

      can one of you share the Reddit link that is being referenced?

  • Pinto January 6, 2024 (7:00 am)

    Are these teenagers in high school or middle school? We have had early teens from Madison middle school vandalizing around the neighborhood and harassing neighbors by dingdong ditching and throwing things at windows also Harassing patrons at businesses. I imagine these kids will grow to be like the kids in this article in a couple of years. When I filled out a police report because we got dingdong ditched at 3 AM by teenagers, the responding officer said sadly, kids who grow up with out any parental Supervision for whatever reason often don’t learn their lesson until it’s too late. He told me to do what I need to do to protect myself and my family which seemed like a veiled suggestion to get a gun. 

    • Reed January 8, 2024 (8:38 am)

      A gun to protect yourself from kids ringing your doorbell? Seems like an overreaction.

  • Seattlite January 6, 2024 (7:58 am)

    The California Ave SW Rite-Aid’s employees are always nice and I hope none got hurt in this incident.  That being said, WS’s increased crime will not stop until these criminal teens face equal consequences to their crimes.  A child’s formative years are 0 to eight.  During these years children’s brains are working at a fast pace to learn.  Learning right from wrong is essential during these formative years.  The question that should be asked is why these teens have not learned right from wrong and what needs to be done with them at this point in their lives.   If a person commits a crime, that person needs to face the consequences of their criminal  actions in order to learn right from wrong.

  • W January 6, 2024 (9:12 am)

    These kids graffitied our townhome in broad daylight a few weeks ago (caught on camera, reported to police).

    • J Weaver January 6, 2024 (11:47 am)

      I’m one of the people that commented on your neighborhood post. I bet they’re part of the same group that has been tagging, littering and harassing along the trails nearby (also reported). This next piece isn’t a direct reply to you but to previous comments. Do we need to know where they go to school? No, but they should absolutely be known as criminals in our area with photos so that we are keeping each other safe. Yea, they’re kids, but they’re the kids that will continue this behavior because there is ZERO accountability at home or with the law. How this wouldn’t be a felony for attempted theft/robbery with going for a cash register is wild. SPD/Seattle is too complacent in holding anyone accountable UNLESS it fits their agenda. Doesn’t matter if it’s kids or adults. They only act on it if it’s a potential negative news story, anything that isn’t widely known, they will sweep it and move on. When is this going to change if we just keep brushing bad/illegal behavior off and ignore laws?

  • anonyme January 6, 2024 (9:31 am)

    News flash: POLICE LIE.  Whenever it suits their agenda, including under oath.

    • J Weaver January 6, 2024 (11:49 am)

      100% factual. Something has got to change, because nothing is different with this city administration and police leadership. Complaceny is dangerous for us all.

    • Rhonda January 6, 2024 (2:03 pm)

      anonyme, “POLICE LIE. Whenever it suits their agenda, including under oath”? You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about and no evidence to back up such slander. Since you’ve never taken an oath in court as a police officer with your entire career and freedom on the line, you have ZERO qualification to make such a disgusting comment.

      • K January 6, 2024 (3:36 pm)

        I mean, I’ve seen it happen.  How do you know so much about our backgrounds that you can say with confidence what we have and haven’t seen police do?  Truth ain’t slander, love.

      • Pete January 6, 2024 (5:12 pm)

        No evidence that police lie? Woah. That’s absolutely wild. Google is your friend on that one. 

      • Walkerws January 6, 2024 (6:59 pm)

        Rhonda, it isn’t slander. The New York Times, ProPublica, and other reputable news sources have published fact-based reporting on the epidemic of “testi-lying.” Cops lie with impunity every day, everywhere. Why do these facts bother you?

      • heartless January 6, 2024 (6:59 pm)

        Nope, Anonyme is absolutely right. 

        And it’s you, Rhonda, that has a disgusting comment–disgusting for your knee-jerk defense of rotten apples.  Why not grow a backbone and stand up for what’s right for once?  Spend a little time doing some research, don’t rely on others to do it for you–do it yourself and find out how many and how often cops lie–including under oath.  And then realize you’re only discovering the times they’ve been caught! 

      • 1994 January 6, 2024 (10:28 pm)

        I was pulled over by a WA State Patrol who said I was speeding when I asked why I was pulled over. I was definitely NOT speeding and said so. The WSP guy must have been having a boring morning. He did not give me a speeding ticket. But, he lied! Another time, the Seattle Police lied to me.  I was rear ended, the police arrived on scene to see the position of the cars. I asked if the guy was going to get a ticket for failing to pay attention while driving and smashing into my car, the SPD officer said – yah! No ticket was issued.  Law Enforcement does lie.

        • Rhonda January 8, 2024 (1:40 am)

          1994, if there are no witnesses to a rear-end collision (or ones who stuck around) then police cannot issue a citation as it’s a “he/she-said-he/she-said” situation (unless there are serious injuries or worse). This is because a driver with road-rage can back up into your car at a stoplight, smash your front end, and claim to arriving officers that you rear-ended them. Who do they believe when there’s no skid marks behind your car in that case?

          • Tsk Tsk Tsk Rhonda January 9, 2024 (2:23 pm)

            SMH! You’re one of those who will stand and debate over a subject matter without having no known real life experience let alone factual knowledge. One who always thinks she is right without knowing even the least bit of what truly is. Newsflash Cops lie in fact it’s even written in law that officers can not be held accountable for statements made to suspects when pushing for a confession. Lying stretching the truth giving false narratives making promises in exchange for information they have no intention control or means of even fulfilling these are all very well known tactics LEO rely on a daily basis to gain an arrest. Oh and FYI police officers often give unattended citations on traffic infractions based on hearsay. I personally can attest to this having been rear ended with no injuries major damage to my vehicle not even a scratch on their big boat of a vehicle. Exchanged information with no debate as to who was at fault an hour later officers were at my door step looking to arrest me on a bunch of trumped up lies that cost me days in jail bond fees and a year and a half of my time going back and forth to court. I was issued a attended hit and run and reckless driving citations had my license suspended and over 1500.00 in damages out of my pocket all based off the officers statement to the insurance company. The officer drew up a police report full of lies came to court and lied on the stand under oath but truth luckily prevailed All charges were dropped the hold was removed from my license unfortunately though I still have not been able to reinstate it due mainly to my fear and now ptsd of having any interaction with SPD. As my personal interactions with them are best avoided at all cost. To scared to get behind the wheel in fear of being pulled over and bullied into another costly fight for my freedom. 

      • anonyme January 9, 2024 (4:00 pm)

        Actually, Rhonda, I know this from up close and personal experience after being injured by a speeding cop downtown while in a crosswalk with a walk sign.  This cop then went on to menace and dismiss witnesses and tried to destroy evidence supplied by a witness who refused to be intimidated.  It didn’t end there; his buddies wrote up a false report quoting a fictional statement supposedly made by me.  The experience was terrifying, not only because I was badly injured, but because it became obvious that the cops were going to spin the whole thing to be my fault and avoid culpability.  This is truth, not slander, and it is your comment that is disgusting.

    • CarDriver January 6, 2024 (7:00 pm)

      Anonyme. And you believe all those committing crimes and those in jail are good honest citizens that have been set up by the police and the “rigged system”?? Tell us why.

      • anonyme January 9, 2024 (4:07 pm)

        Car Driver, where the hell did you come up with that bizarre interpretation of my post?  The fact is, I’m a believer in being tough on crime and think that most people in jail probably belong there.   I’m horrified at how broken our system is, but that swings both ways.  It also doesn’t mean that police don’t lie or have their own agendas, especially when it comes to accountability.

  • scott January 6, 2024 (12:15 pm)

    Glad to hear the Juvenile Detention center is up and running.  This would seem to qualify for a stay there.  Also once adjudicated a long probation the requires many hours of community service or violate them and send them to adult jail. 

  • Marianne January 6, 2024 (12:56 pm)

    This is not typical behavior for children this age.  I am glad that they were finally detained.  I hope they will get the help they need before they escalate to car-jackings and hurting people badly.

    • Teri January 9, 2024 (2:45 pm)

      Well said Marianne

  • CarDriver January 6, 2024 (1:23 pm)

    SCARY reading about how brazen criminals of all ages have become. EVEN SCARIER the number of commenters here that have NO concern for the victims and but have excuses and full sympathy for the CRIMINALS. Justifying crimes and the criminals that commit them is an acknowledgement that anarchy and complete lawlessness is your goal. 

  • Chip January 6, 2024 (1:31 pm)

    Just to be clear the incident where the cash register was stolen happened on Jan 2nd, I just watched the video of the two perps assaulting the cashier when they used cash to buy a soda and waited for her to open the register to jump the counter. Dark skin, masked and driving a presumed stolen Kia, looked to be late teens early 20s. They got away.

    These kids are much younger and need to be on probation and a diversion program. I can assure you they were at least initially deeply humiliated by the experience. I only hope that I got through to them at least a little and helped set them on a path to make better choices, considering the long term consequences for their actions and not only how their choices affect others but themselves and their own futures. They are old enough to know better and knew exactly the risk they were taking.

    • WSB January 6, 2024 (7:11 pm)

      I don’t have anything on a January 2nd incident but “they attempted to – they DID grab the cash register” is how this was dispatched, and what police told us at the scene. Written post-incident reports are not available for days if ever (most recently we’re told to file PDRs, and one I filed for two weeks ago is estimated to be available March 8!) but I will be following up with public affairs on Monday to ask about the final assessment of the incident and whether either or both of the teens were booked. – TR

      • Chip January 7, 2024 (1:13 am)

        Please go speak with the victims— the cashiers at Rite Aid. They might give you better information than the police. 

  • Derek January 6, 2024 (1:43 pm)

    Absolutely gross that people here want kids put in a cage for parental neglect. There has to be better ways than locking up kids 

    • Ummm ok January 6, 2024 (4:16 pm)

      You are also making a wild assumption that the parents are being neglectful. You have no idea what these families are going through. They may have no idea that there are resources available. And often, some resources require families to have money to get their children help. You can’t assume that these families are just letting their children run rampant.  God forbid you have children that need a lot of support and you may not be able to get it. It’s really a very sad situation for everyone involved. 

      • Teri January 9, 2024 (2:50 pm)

        Well, sad

    • AN January 6, 2024 (4:49 pm)

      What are those better ways, Derek? By all means, please do share your ideas.

    • bradley January 6, 2024 (6:13 pm)

      Lots and lots of Community Service might work.  Changing diapers at the Senior Center?  Scrubbing toilets at the schools?  Maybe Derek can come up with a few more life lessons.

    • CarDriver January 6, 2024 (6:53 pm)

      Derek. While you’re coming up with a plan for a “better way” us HONEST citizens have NO interest in becoming crime victims and letting the perpetrators go free because you believe they are the victims.

    • Frog January 6, 2024 (7:03 pm)

      How about public shaming?  Put their names and faces on billboards around town.  Dunno, just throwing ideas out here, since progressives always want some other idea, but never seem to have any that work.  If peers are the strongest influence on juvenile behavior, and kids know that committing crimes is very likely to get them exposed in public, maybe that would be an effective deterrent without resorting to incarceration.  Certainly in any traditional community, everyone would know if a young person broke communal norms.  The idea of preserving their anonymity is a progressive innovation that would seem bizarre to 99% of human history, and it also seems not to be working in the present day.

    • 1994 January 8, 2024 (9:58 pm)

      Maybe the parents should be in cages for parental neglect of their kids?  Parents do jail time if convicted for abusing their kids.

  • Tom January 6, 2024 (5:42 pm)

    These two have been kicked out of almost every store in the junction. About time they got caught. 

  • Asian Seattle Guy January 6, 2024 (7:20 pm)

    Bottom line they committed a crime.Not shocked everyone’s wants to blame everyone else but the offenders. We should let “innocent youth” take over a city block, I’m sure no crimes will be committed. Oh wait…you tried that, only 2 people died. Of course that’s the SPD fault. 

  • J January 6, 2024 (8:30 pm)

    I shop at the PCC in West Seattle often at Noontime. I watch Seattle High School students steal every day. They just walk in, steal, and walk out. Often they don’t even hide the item. Cashiers have told me that many put two or three pieces of pizza in a box and only pay for one. Granted, that is not major crime, but the kids seem unconcerned about getting caught or charged. Admiral Safeway was experiencing so much theft from West Seattle High students that now they only let in 5 at a time. How is it that these kids, many of whom live in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in Seattle never were taught that theft was wrong and learned that there will be no consequences. Today stealing pizza, tomorrow mugging people.

  • scared in west seattle January 6, 2024 (10:50 pm)

    These kids are begging for help-lock them up and help these sociopaths! 

  • Robbie B January 6, 2024 (11:00 pm)

    This entire affair is incredibly disconcerting. From the initial crime all the way to the community’s polarized reaction. This isn’t a case of simple shoplifting…they were attempting to steal a cash register. Thankfully no one was hurt. I pick up my prescriptions from that Rite Aid and it makes me sick to think of their employees going through such an experience. There needs to be zero tolerance for crimes such as these. Showing lenience now paves the way for more extreme behavior later. Apart from being supportive, observant community members as individuals, each and every time we go to the ballot box we need to be voting for those we feel will advance public safety. 

  • helpermonkey January 8, 2024 (8:18 am)

    these look like the same kids who robbed the Super Deli Mart last year. They have zero remorse and neither does the one parent who was with them. 

  • Today's Youth DGAF January 9, 2024 (11:33 am)

    In a nutshell:We have teenagers that are known community wide by their exceptionally brazen actions around theft and harassment, yet the parents are not held accountable, nor are the misbehaving kids…EVER.That’s the problem. S–t rolls down hill and if the parents get into serious hot water over the actions of their hell spawn, you better believe things will get on a course correction with the kids. The slap on the wrist that kids get now at days… especially once they’ve gotten used to riding in police cars and handcuffs doesn’t phase them. They know they’ll be let go within 24 hours to go home, hear a 10 minute spiel from their folks, and then it’s back at it again.There needs to be a 3 strikes program for teens that puts their a–es into a serious consequence that they don’t want to return to. 

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