Plants in need of new homes: P-Patch closing to make way for housing development

(WSB photo, today)

Thanks to the gardener who emailed to share the news that the West Genesee P-Patch on the north end of The Junction is being closed and removed, with work expected to start for the long-planned adjacent housing development. We last wrote about the project more than a year ago; the 3/4-acre site at 4401 41st SW currently holds a parking lot and a former church school. City files now show a different prospective developer now with a plan for 26 townhomes, fewer than the 2022 proposal; county files do not show a finalized sale of the West Seattle Christian Church-owned property (we’re checking with the church on its status). But nonetheless, the garden is being cleared now through Monday. They’re inviting community members to help remove “vegetation, gardening supplies/ materials from our giving garden network to ensure produce & resources goes to good homes & NOT wasted.” The announcement continues: “1st Come; 1st Served! The garden is open to you from dawn till dusk to harvest & gather herbs/ tomato cages/ plant starts/ produce to donate/ burlap sacks/ corrugated metal sheeting on fence/ pavers/ wood/ etc. Please be respectful by returning the land into a safe open space. Do NOT leave behind debris, ‘pack it in – pack it out.’ Please bring your own pots, tools, gloves, supplies for transfers.” The church donated the streetside site for a P-Patch in 2009 – when it opened with a mayoral visit and celebration

12 Replies to "Plants in need of new homes: P-Patch closing to make way for housing development"

  • Mel January 6, 2024 (8:43 pm)

    This area is already so congested with Holy Rosary and Hope Lutheran there. You should see it at drop off/pickup, or during any school events. I can’t even imagine adding 26 town homes to the area. 

  • Wendell January 7, 2024 (11:27 am)

    I think adding P-patches to new developments would be a good idea, and maintain a sense of community to the area, having a community garden would be especially welcoming to those folks that are new to the neighborhood.

  • Lauren January 7, 2024 (3:26 pm)

    What a shame. That’s the whole point of the P-Patch: to keep green spaces available for growing and nature. 

  • PDiddy January 7, 2024 (3:41 pm)

    I am sad to see this go for more housing. I know housing is needed but so are green spaces and garden spots. I am sure whatever is built here will likely not be affordable anyway. Developers want to maximize profits not affordability.

    • K January 8, 2024 (8:16 pm)

      Housing prices are supply & demand.  The more they build, the less they sell for.

  • Alki Stu January 7, 2024 (6:12 pm)

    What if there was a requirement for developers to make a donation to Seattle P patch or a local community garden when space is lost. At our Puget Ridge Edible Park anyone can join. It is communal and not privatize. If you are displaced come join us Thursdays and Saturdays 3-4pm. Wait til after the freeze this week.

  • Jeff January 7, 2024 (8:10 pm)

    Need more housing always. Density is good especially with light rail coming. We need to keep building UP around the Junction. Housing density makes property taxes go down and overall housing and renting cheaper.

  • Karen B January 7, 2024 (10:03 pm)

    Nope! Can’t say I agree. Some of us value community over money and value open outdoor spaces – so I think there needs to be a different solution to affordability issues. Wiping out community gardening spaces is not the only solution to affordable housing. Density tends to  facilitate situations when neighbors don’t know neighbors, and the notion of community often devolves after that. West Seattle has been a special place to be because of community  in the neighborhoods and the wonderful outdoor spaces. P-Patches where apartment and condo dwellers and those who want to garden with others, build community and are  wonderful. The loss of such spaces is huge. And, building higher and UP usually takes a hit on the natural light and privacy of neighboring homes – so NO, I don’t agree! 

  • April January 8, 2024 (10:19 am)

    NO!! We don’t need more people moving here. We need more green spaces like the P-Patch! 

  • kate January 8, 2024 (7:08 pm)

    The sale of the old school/current Clothesline that’s on the other side of that parking lot just fell through. The Clothesline is now staying for another year. Yay!Maybe the P-Patch is part of that? Hope so.

    • WSB January 8, 2024 (7:13 pm)

      I inquired with the pastor and haven’t heard back yet. The garden people were certainly under the impression that it had to be cleared before tomorrow.

  • YH January 9, 2024 (3:56 am)

    That’s too bad for all of our pollinator friends! I’ll miss seeing all those busy bees on the summer on the lavender. Hope those get saved somewhere!

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