WEST SEATTLE SCENES: Non-electric light shows

Before Christmas Eve ends, we have some beautiful pics to share – first, how it began. Above, from Kevin Freitas) via Mastodon … below, a wider view from Don Kramer:

More sunrise color from Stewart L.:

And on the other end of the day, Jen Popp caught Lincoln Park’s troll Bruun Idun glowing:

Thanks as always to everyone who shares photos, whether breaking news or scenery or something inbetween .. westseattleblog@gmail.com any time!

4 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE SCENES: Non-electric light shows"

  • Jamie Kinney December 25, 2023 (12:04 am)

    Beautiful photos! I especially like Kevin’s shot of Mt. Baker and the Space Needle.

  • anonyme December 25, 2023 (4:43 am)

    Yesterday’s sunrise was one of the most beautiful I’ve ever seen.

    • Jan December 25, 2023 (8:26 am)


  • Karen December 25, 2023 (6:33 am)

    Thank you for all the beauty and Merry Christmas to All!

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