Two reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch tonight:
STOLEN CAR-TOP TENT AND CROSSBARS: The photo and report are from Karyn:
My Roofnest Sparrow tent and Thule Aero crossbars were stolen off of my car parked on 45th Ave SW at SW Alaska near the Junction, sometime between 10 pm on Tues. 11/28 and 12 pm Weds. 11/29. Please let me know if you see one near you or for sale somewhere – the tent had blue painters tape on some of the latches, a safety strap around the middle, and the rear grey buckle strap has been stitched together. Thank you for keeping an eye out! Please email with any information.
ABANDONED BIKES: Peter sent the photo:
He spotted these bicycles abandoned near the north side of Westwood Village. If you recognize either one, let us know.