South Seattle Threshold Singers inviting new members

If you sing, this is a unique way to use your voice and presence. The South Seattle Threshold Singers asked us to share this announcement as they invite new members:

We are a chapter of Threshold Choir, a nationally known nonprofit network of a cappella choirs whose members volunteer to sing in small groups at the bedsides of those who are at end-of-life.

We invite you to visit the Threshold Choir website at, and our chapter website at to learn more about us.

We welcome people who can carry a tune, hold their own part and blend with others in a small group, communicate kindness with their voice, offer a loving presence to those who are dying, and share deeply with other chapter members. The time commitment is an average of ten hours a month.

If this is of potential interest to you, please contact us at and we will send you more information.

3 Replies to "South Seattle Threshold Singers inviting new members"

  • Heather November 25, 2023 (3:05 pm)

    Would love to join but rehearsal times aren’t great for me. Sorry to hijack this thread but does anyone know of any caroling groups in the area? Or would anyone like to start one for this festive season?

  • Karie November 27, 2023 (11:13 pm)

    This group is asking for volunteers to sing at the bedsides of people who are DYING. Please show some respect and restraint. 

    • Heather November 28, 2023 (9:53 pm)

      Yeh Karie-I don’t know what your impressions are but caroling groups I’ve ever been apart of have sung to the elderly in their homes. Sorry to have woken you on the wrong side of the bed. People can do good work in a number places. Simply said that the daytime schedule for this particular group was hard for me (and I assume a number of others who might be interested). Have a joyous season!

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