WEST SEATTLE LIGHT RAIL: Date set for Sound Transit’s next West Seattle meeting

While Sound Transit works on the final Environmental Impact Statement for its West Seattle to SODO extension – to be released next year in the run-up to a final vote on routing and station locations – it’s been promising another round of “community engagement.” Tonight we know the date for an in-person West Seattle meeting that’ll be a key part of that – three weeks from tomorrow, Wednesday, October 25th. The 5:30 pm meeting at Alki Masonic Center (40th/Edmunds) is described as a “station planning forum … to see updated designs for future light rail stations in West Seattle and SODO, and share your ideas and feedback.” Though the timeline for the final EIS has slid, Sound Transit still says West Seattle’s light-rail extension will be running by the end of 2032.

P.S. Sound Transit reps will talk about this meeting and other updates at Wednesday’s District 1 Community Network meeting (7 pm, High Point Neighborhood House, 6400 Sylvan Way SW).

45 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE LIGHT RAIL: Date set for Sound Transit's next West Seattle meeting"

  • James October 3, 2023 (9:07 pm)

    Let’s get this going already!! We needed light rail yesterday! 

    • MJ October 3, 2023 (10:54 pm)

      Plus one @James – We need this and it’ll be a great investment for our community.

    • D Martin October 4, 2023 (6:20 am)

      I would actually say we needed light rail the day before yesterday.

    • The future October 4, 2023 (4:25 pm)

      Sure we needed it yesterday but we will not need it in the future as self driving cars will make 1800’s technology obsolete and make this thing useless before we ever get a return on investment. For a $100,000 a family could get a lot more than a train they may never use. 

      • Derek October 4, 2023 (5:35 pm)

        The batteries to make the cars cost a lot more energy than a train as they are incredibly inefficient with one person taking up so so so much more space than several on a car. Cars are always inefficient. And always will be. 

        • The future October 4, 2023 (9:38 pm)

          Not really the argument here but to expand. Trains are inefficient with time and flexibility, which why a vast majority of people chose vehicles unless regulated by cost into mass transit.  You can’t take your kid to practice, run to grocery and get back to practice via train. Cars also serve as storage, home to work to the gym to out and back to home is not easy on a bus carrying all your stuff.  Cars have and will adapt, more energy efficient and smaller. Also batteries will not be the only clean energy of the future. Menthol, hydrogen, and ammonia are all potential options. The freedom and flexibility of personal vehicles will always win over the rigidness of mass transit unless forced. 

          • Ice October 7, 2023 (12:36 am)

            How will cars adapt to traffic?

      • Michael October 4, 2023 (7:43 pm)

        And will you personally be buying an electric car for everyone that can’t afford one? Send a check my way.

  • West Mar October 3, 2023 (11:36 pm)

    It’s not worth it

  • SCS October 4, 2023 (12:50 am)

    Who still wants this if it stops in SODO… waste of money & time!! Go to downtown or don’t build it at all. 

    • Sam October 4, 2023 (4:08 am)

      Some of us actually work in SODO…

      • D-Ridge October 4, 2023 (9:37 am)

        The 5,000 people that work at Starbucks headquarters would be one guess

    • WS Res October 4, 2023 (8:29 am)

      It’s possible to change trains. Every large metro system does it.

    • Derek October 4, 2023 (9:02 am)

      Stopping in SODO is expected and fine, NYC, Chicago, and many other cities have lived with connecting stations for years.

    • Ben October 4, 2023 (9:21 am)

      The SODO station would connect you with the 1 line that currently goes to Northgate and South to Angle Lake. The Eastside connection has already started opening in stages too. Access to fast, reliable public transport is an important move for anyone without a car, or working a minimum wage job further away than a short bus trip. It also reduces road traffic for all those folx afraid of leaving their cars behind.

    • DC October 4, 2023 (9:57 am)

      It hasn’t been explained well, but the West Seattle line will eventually go between West Seattle and Everett through the existing downtown tunnel. The Ballard line will go between Ballard and Tacoma through a new tunnel downtown. The transfer in SODO will only be required until the Ballard line is finished. See this article for an explanation of this misunderstanding and how it makes the need for a proper CID station all the more important. https://www.theurbanist.org/2023/03/17/st3-misunderstanding

    • Also John October 4, 2023 (12:34 pm)

      Oh the horror of having to step off at SODO and step on another light rail heading to your final destination.  Oh the pain.

  • Scarlett October 4, 2023 (5:41 am)

    A colossal, absurd waste of money.  We all know this, but when you’re in so deep, all you can do is keep doubling down.  

    • Honey October 4, 2023 (9:46 am)

      Great!  Sound Transit is finally coming to West Seattle for a forum!  We have lots of questions to ask about WSLE.  Does this route take us only to SODO?  Is it true that Alki Beach Academy will have to be relocated?  The proposed route goes through Longfellow Creek.  Can Sound Transit also relocate the beavers?  The West Seattle Health Club is also in the path of destruction.  How and where will Sound Transit relocate a swimming pool? This is Dow’s project.  Will he be there?  

      • Jeff October 4, 2023 (10:48 am)

        The Swimming Pool can be replaced years from now somewhere else. Along with a couple houses. We need TRANSIT and need it NOW! This is for the greater good of the community. 

        • honey October 4, 2023 (7:39 pm)

          West Seattle parents put their children on a four-year waiting list for swimming lessons at a public pool when they are born.   Many have to rely on private pools.  The British Swim School is not free but teaches our kids how to swim.  Where could the pool be located?   Or built anywhere nearby?   Check out how many kids in Washington State  drown before you say the pool can be replaced years fro now.

        • ARPigeonPoint October 4, 2023 (9:28 pm)

          “A couple houses.” Wow. Those of us losing ours thank you. 

          • Jeff October 5, 2023 (10:19 am)

            You aren’t losing anything. You are being paid over market for it. You have also had 15 year heads up. And re: swimming pool, we are not holding up serving millions of people a basic transit need over some kids who want to swim closer to home.

          • ARPigeonPoint October 5, 2023 (4:09 pm)

            Jeff. I rent. Even with rental compensation, I will NEVER find a comparable place for comparable money. My commute will likely increase by at least 20 miles for half the space and my rent will still be much higher. So yes, I’m losing a lot, including my residency in West Seattle. Have the day you deserve.

      • Creek October 4, 2023 (12:37 pm)

        It doesn’t go “through” the creek…..

    • IHeartBPP October 4, 2023 (10:10 am)

      Scarlett, not sure who you think “we all” is but you don’t speak for me.  Remember that for next time 

    • Jeff October 4, 2023 (10:54 am)

      Scarlett does NOT speak for me! I want Light Rail. At whatever cost. It’s important to get rid of inefficient car culture and be a Big Boy City with rails dispersed all over to supplement busses. 

    • Brandon October 4, 2023 (1:20 pm)

      Scarlett, my only correction to your assessment is not everybody knows it because that would require paying attention and adamantly reflecting on the situation. The budget overruns are public knowledge and are laughably synonymous with ST. People are completely ignoring it, or don’t care, as someone said prior, “at whatever the cost”. I honestly don’t know how that can ever be said with a straight face.

  • Anna October 4, 2023 (6:39 am)

    This whole project is a waste of time.

    • Jeff October 4, 2023 (10:49 am)

      No, the west seattle bridge and prioritizing cars in a dying climate change planet is the real time and energy waster. We need trains like no other. Get Lightrail done already and whatever the cost. It will immediately pay for itself. 

      • Bonnie October 4, 2023 (2:16 pm)

        How does it pay for itself when there is no fare enforcement, crime is awful on the Link?  What is the proposal from ST to create a better system, a safer system? 

        • Byron James October 6, 2023 (12:06 pm)

          A lot of people believe that expanding a dysfunctional system will eliminate the dysfunction.

  • Ray October 4, 2023 (6:56 am)

    Hopefully the Nucor station is made entirely out of rebar. What better way to reflect the community it serves?

  • Jeepney October 4, 2023 (6:56 am)

    This should have been built 60 years ago.  Get it built now so future generations can use it.

  • skeeter October 4, 2023 (9:43 am)

    There was extensive community engagement in 2017, 2018, 2019, etc.  I’m not sure what we’d learn/plan now that we didn’t learn/plan several years ago.  Maybe I’m misunderstanding but what is the value of feedback and ideas at this point?  

  • skeeter October 4, 2023 (9:48 am)

    I just realized I sound like a grouch.  I’m excited for light rail and want to see it thrive.  At this point Sound Transit should be focused on design and construction.  The time for feedback ended 2 years ago.

  • Readingalong October 4, 2023 (11:54 am)

    …described as a “station planning forum … to see updated designs for future light rail stations in West Seattle and SODO, and share your ideas and feedback. 

  • platypus October 4, 2023 (12:16 pm)

    I can’t wait to ride the train! Keep going, ignore the naysayers, this is great!

  • Oh Ya !!!! October 4, 2023 (2:35 pm)

    So where is the gondola when you need a few. Can it stop in sodo too ?

    • Jeff October 4, 2023 (3:40 pm)

      lol…funny the Gondola would also have to stop in SoDo. The rebranded Gondola “Rethink the Link” people fail to see this hole in their logic. 

  • Greg October 5, 2023 (7:28 am)

    Yeah I guess to hell with the business that are being pushed out due to imminent domain… and the homeowners too.. 

    • Jeff October 5, 2023 (10:15 am)

      Yeah, because there will be even more competition for them with booming businesses opening up all over the light rail stops like we see with the brand new beautiful Roosevelt lightrail stop? Homeowner count is very small, this is negligible and a tiny sacrifice for the greater good of lightrail for future generations of millions of people to use. Also the homeowners will be compensated OVER MARKET value for their home. It’s funny that the NIMBYs will point to people pushed out but fail to do the same with people pushed out of their homes in White Center and Delridge the past 20 years with actual gentrification. Lightrail is a public service, the other is private development which serves no public good.

  • Rico October 7, 2023 (11:07 am)

    “Light Rail” to a failing downtown and a failing security force in the streets and on the Rail. Negative outlook for the Stain Train. But what happens in 12 years when the WS Bridge fails again. So lame. So Build a tunnel like Beacon hill in the beginning of the Heavy Rail system or go across 1st ave bridge AGAIN.

  • Not Worth It October 18, 2023 (11:54 pm)

    Sure, I voted for Light Rail (and the Monorail before it), but after diving deep into the Draft Environmental Impact Statement and doing 100s of hours of studying and research, I found that building ST3 into West Seattle is not worth it! The cost and the timeline has already increased (1.7 Billion to 4 Billion, i think?) and we’ll never be able to make up for the amount of carbon it will cost to build it- 600,000 tons. (400 years to make up for the carbon). Plus, transit riders will have a worse ridership experience than what we have now (rapid ride to SLU). Time to Rethink the Link and consider the No Build Alternative (which includes funding for existing transit projects). Just because we voted for ST3 (barely passed in King County), doesn’t mean we gave them a carte blanche “ do what you want at whatever cost” approval!  Would love to hear Sound Transit’s answer to this question- “Why are you wasting taxpayer money on massively expensive stations like this, when you could build modular models and save money and building time?  Other cities do this, why can’t Sound Transit? 

Sorry, comment time is over.