9:04 AM: Visibility’s a bit of a challenge at the moment, but orcas are out there, according to a texted update from Kersti Muul – a southbound group of transients was off the Bainbridge ferry terminal about half an hour ago, and another group of orcas was further north. Let us know if you see them!
10:03 AM: In addition to her update in comments below, Kersti texted: “Here they come! Southern group of whales now spread out SB from Shilshole to Bainbridge.”
4:54 PM: In addition to the updates all day in comments – thanks! – we have a text from someone who says four are in view right now from the Alki Beach volleyball courts.
4:59 PM: That texter now thinks they might actually be seeing dolphins.
6:25 PM: Kersti in comments and Erin via email tell us there are whales very close to shore along Alki Avenue, off Duwamish Head! (added) Erin sent this photo: