ELECTION 2023: Another chance to see City Council District 1 candidates Monday

Your ballot likely has already arrived. You might even have voted already. If not – tomorrow (Monday, October 23) brings another opportunity to see the Seattle City Council District 1 candidates. Rob Saka and Maren Costa are scheduled to answer questions about topics of interest to older Seattleites during a forum presented by Age-Friendly Seattle. It’s set for 3 pm to 4:30 pm Monday at the Senior Center of West Seattle (4217 SW Oregon). Registration isn’t mandatory but if you sign up here you can also submit a question for consideration and list the topics you’re most interested in hearing Costa and Saka address.

2 Replies to "ELECTION 2023: Another chance to see City Council District 1 candidates Monday"

  • Robert October 23, 2023 (5:01 am)

    Be sure to ask each which block on Council they will vote with. We elected the mayor by the largest margin since the 60s. Now we need to have a Council that will support his pragmatic progressive approach. 

  • Anne October 23, 2023 (9:56 am)

    Had pretty much made up my mind to vote for Rob Saka -after reading todays Seattle Times endorsement of him—and WHY—I’m definitely voting for him. 

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