WEST SEATTLE PARKS: October 10 on-site meeting to talk about Junction ‘landbanked’ site

(WSB file photo)

Thanks to Sharonn for sending an image of the postcard she received for a Seattle Parks meeting about the “landbanked” site on 40th SW in The Junction.

On Tuesday, October 10th, 4-6 pm, Parks will be at the one-third-acre site (4700 block of 40th SW, north of Sound & Fog in Broadstone Sky and west of the Alki Masonic Lodge) to talk about the newest “schematic design” for the future park. It’s one of three “landbanked” sites in West Seattle that have long been on hold. Last update we had was early this year, when the fence was taken down so it could be used as an unofficial dog park. The city bought and “landbanked” the site a decade ago; it was originally expected to have been developed into a park by now but the pandemic and other factors got in the way. They’re now projecting park construction – funded at almost $2 million – to happen next year.

P.S. Parks has opened this survey to check on which potential park features interest you most.

8 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE PARKS: October 10 on-site meeting to talk about Junction 'landbanked' site"

    • WSB September 28, 2023 (3:08 pm)

      Thanks, haven’t caught up on the city blog posts yet today. Edited above to remove “not-yet-announced.”

  • Jim September 28, 2023 (4:16 pm)

    I’m really getting sick of businesses and government agencies using COVID as an excuse It was valid for a while but it’s getting ridiculous at this point

    • Bill September 28, 2023 (11:16 pm)

      It is not an excuse — it was stated as one of the reasons!  — Did that 2+ year mandated shutdowns slip right past you?

  • WS Guy September 28, 2023 (7:19 pm)

    The smart thing to do would be to sync this with the light rail station design rather than to forge ahead now.  If pedestrians will use it to access the station that should be designed in.   I could even see a land swap so that Parks takes some of the land on Alaska St that Sound Transit plans to seize in exchange for this lot.  The Park could then be in a more public area as opposed to surrounded by mid rise buildings on three sides.

    • Mr J September 28, 2023 (10:57 pm)

      What’s more public than in the middle of hundreds of apartment units? Also, it’s literally 80’ from Alaska.

      • WS Guy September 30, 2023 (5:22 am)

        More public would be surrounded by 7 story buildings on two sides and adjacent to the main public street rather than surrounded on three sides mid-block.  More public would be intentionally designed to integrate with the station and its pedestrian access.  I can’t believe this is controversial.  It’s been land banked for 10 years and we are 1-2 years away from station area design.

    • Yes September 29, 2023 (2:14 am)

      Why this scarcity mindset for parks? Parks are universally a good thing for everyone including businesses. More parks and public space the better. This thing has already been delayed, why the continued NIMBY-ism that it has to be delayed to be “perfect” in your eyes?

Sorry, comment time is over.