Thanks to Sharonn for sending an image of the postcard she received for a Seattle Parks meeting about the “landbanked” site on 40th SW in The Junction.
On Tuesday, October 10th, 4-6 pm, Parks will be at the one-third-acre site (4700 block of 40th SW, north of Sound & Fog in Broadstone Sky and west of the Alki Masonic Lodge) to talk about the newest “schematic design” for the future park. It’s one of three “landbanked” sites in West Seattle that have long been on hold. Last update we had was early this year, when the fence was taken down so it could be used as an unofficial dog park. The city bought and “landbanked” the site a decade ago; it was originally expected to have been developed into a park by now but the pandemic and other factors got in the way. They’re now projecting park construction – funded at almost $2 million – to happen next year.
P.S. Parks has opened this survey to check on which potential park features interest you most.