YOU CAN HELP: Habitat helpers sought Saturday at Shoreline Street End #7

August 9, 2023 9:12 pm
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Right next to Constellation Park/Charles Richey Viewpoint is a bit of public land that’s actually separate – known as Shoreline Street End #7, technically the end of SW Spokane Street. Volunteers are invited to join in restoration work there this Saturday morning – here’s the invitation:

A community effort supported by the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) and Friends of Street Ends to restore approximately 11,000 square feet of right-of-way for shoreline access, views, and habitat: The project is located at Shoreline Street End #7, SW Spokane St, in West Seattle (3555R Beach Dr SW). The site is one of 141 Shoreline Street Ends designated by Seattle City Council.

• Improve and maintain shoreline access and views
• Enhance shoreline habitat
• Build partnerships and encourage stewardship through community partners

Work party will focus on removing invasive plants, spreading mulch, installing new plantings

Work Party Dates
August 12th, 2023 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Spokane St SW

To RSVP for Work Part!es:
206-615-1668 |

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