Wildfire smoke returning to West Seattle

While out on errands, we started getting messages from people wondering about a smoky smell in the air and noting there are no local fires on the Real-Time 911 log. Yes, it’s apparently wildfire smoke again – take a look at not only the view from Don Armeni Boat Ramp a short time ago (the Cascades aren’t visible), but also the air quality readings. The Washington Smoke Information website also foresaw smoke from the Sourdough fire heading to the west side of the Cascades, with wind out of the north/northeast (which is how it’s blowing right now).

14 Replies to "Wildfire smoke returning to West Seattle"

  • J August 13, 2023 (1:02 pm)

    Was just out at Sand Point, and it’s very much already there. Much more so than here. 

    • 1994 August 13, 2023 (1:37 pm)

      Oh no, that means it may get worse in West Seattle and beyond.

    • U district dave August 13, 2023 (1:47 pm)

      Agree. I was in the U District. The smell of smoke was heavier.

  • Jason August 13, 2023 (1:41 pm)

    Was just out for a ride through Alki and can definitely smell it. Downtown looking hazy across Elliot Bay.

  • Patrick Kelly August 13, 2023 (1:53 pm)

    You can definately smell it in Upper Rainier Beach

  • Barb August 13, 2023 (2:25 pm)

    Very smoky over Lake Washington! 

  • waikikigirl August 13, 2023 (2:48 pm)

    We were at WS Home Depot a few hours ago and it was heavy in the air and you could feel it in your lungs and eyes. 😷

  • Rollie Burns August 13, 2023 (3:18 pm)

     Ery strong smell in Maetha Lake.

  • anonyme August 13, 2023 (4:36 pm)

    Smoke in Arbor Heights.   A lot of people don’t have air conditioning, so it’s going to be a rough week with high heat and unbreathable air.  This is the new normal, and even this won’t be ‘normal’ for long.  It’s time to look at programs to install heat pumps city and nationwide.  If anyone in government were preparing for the effects of climate change, much less doing anything to halt or slow it down, this would already be in progress.

  • Johnny August 13, 2023 (4:41 pm)

    blake island iooks smokefree at 16:41

  • Kt August 13, 2023 (4:42 pm)

    Time to whip out those N-95 😷 

  • WS resident August 13, 2023 (8:14 pm)

    Meanwhile we still allow fires at the beach and personal fire pits at home (my neighbor seems to love it). It’s a total non sense, especially when the same folks pretend to be really concerned with climate change. The same folks that also leave the lights on in their yard all night long. Stop complaining. Take action.

    • anonyme August 15, 2023 (6:50 am)

      Thank you for saying this.  There is no justification for burning, period, and gas-powered vehicles should have been phased out decades ago.  Hypocrisy is rampant, including the gobbledygook coming from the mouth of our president, who has expanded oil and gas production even more than his predecessor.

  • Derek August 14, 2023 (8:36 am)

    And most of us continue to do nothing about climate change in our daily lives. Time to ditch the cars!

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