WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: More gunfire, this time on Delridge Way and on SW Myrtle

10:52 PM: Second gunfire incident in six hours – this time, after numerous reports to 911, police have found shell casings at a gas station near Delridge/Findlay, as well as a car “with blood around it,” though no word of victims so far. There’s also a report of bullets hitting a nearby residence and car. This is still developing.

11:04 PM: Police are investigating whether the Delridge shooting is linked to a driver found with a gunshot wound after a crash at the eastbound West Seattle Bridge’s 4th Avenue exit.

11:11 PM: Back to the West Seattle scene, an officer just told dispatch they’ve recovered “about 50 casings” so far. Whether that’s all at the gas station or elsewhere, they didn’t say.

11:30 PM: After being flagged down by someone, police have found more shell casings – “at least five so far” – in the 3100 block of SW Myrtle.

11:47 PM: As shown on the traffic-camera frame grab above, part of Delridge is still blocked off near the original gunfire scene.

12:14 AM: Northbound Delridge has reopened, officers just told dispatch.

1:33 AM: Many unanswered questions in all this – we hope to be able to add followup information later this morning.

16 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: More gunfire, this time on Delridge Way and on SW Myrtle"

  • Brett July 23, 2023 (10:54 pm)

    More shots to the south minutes after the shooting on 50th and delridge gas station 

  • Elle July 23, 2023 (10:57 pm)

    I could hear 2 rounds of these recent shots from my bedroom window at 35th and Graham. Very unsettling.

  • Pho Soup July 23, 2023 (11:03 pm)

    We are on 35th and Juneau. We’ve heard shots (not fireworks) twice in the last 15 minutes. 2 different directions. All close. 8-10 rounds each time. This afternoon’s drive by shooting was right in front of our house.  Support your local Police.  They were on the scene this afternoon in 2 minutes. Very professional, kind and sympathetic. 

  • Alki resident July 23, 2023 (11:04 pm)

    Likely will turn up at HMC any moment. 

  • Walt Hundley July 23, 2023 (11:19 pm)

    Heard two rounds of shots followed by squealing tires around 10:55 at 31st and Myrtle, by the Walt Hundley playfields. Quite a day…

    • WSB July 23, 2023 (11:33 pm)

      They just found casings there (added above).

  • Adam July 23, 2023 (11:38 pm)

    Cops are at Walt Hundley in front of the house picking up shells. These I believe are from the two sets mentioned earlier. Saw a cop driving by and flagged him down b/c I saw shells right at the sidewalk on Myrtle. Fun. I saw the vehicle and gave a description, but saw very poorly. Dark colored SUV I think, loud, kinda rough lookin. I may have heard a girl laugh or cheer, but tough to tell. 

  • Adam July 23, 2023 (11:43 pm)

    The second set of shots I didn’t exactly “witness” due to all the bushes out front, but I was outside cuz I heard the first set and went out. The cops just found them too, near the very south east corner of the park at 31st and Myrtle, where there are some large trees. Shells are either on Myrtle or on the sidewalk near Myrtle, but at this point I’m leaving them alone. 

  • Buncake July 24, 2023 (1:37 am)

    I seen some weird red car earlier while walking home slowed down and stopped guy kept  saying “hey, hey, hey,” felt like they were being intimidating using their vehicle to spook me . I gnored it eventually they drove away but I was extra cautious afterwards. People are crazy around white center and Westwood village. Considering there has been several shootings and random violence with enormous amounts of drug activities and crimes. Just had enough of people terrorizing the neighborhood.  A lot goes unnoticed because it’s almost too normal but it happens and it’s very unsafe to assume that everything is ok. People are predators around here robbery and shooting and drugs and creepy drivers.. I Always feel unsafe around or near white center and Westwood dispite the police precinct on delridge being so close. The police need to deture crime before it even happens and pull more suspicious driver’s over. Tired of the nonsense and lack of safety

    • Seattlite July 24, 2023 (12:16 pm)

      Buncake…Good comment.  SPD’s police officers are not fully staffed.  Therefore, police officers do the best they can after losing approximately 600 officers since 2020.

      • foop July 24, 2023 (11:42 pm)

        Actually in 2020 there were just over 1000 officers employed.As of Q1 2023 there are just over 1000 officers employed.

  • Og delridge July 24, 2023 (7:18 am)

    Same spot as the gunfire for a moth ago?

  • Jay July 24, 2023 (9:09 am)

    I hate how often I hear this from my home. Not long after the squealing tires and gunshots, a car drive north up 18th with people screaming at each other inside.

  • Unsafe July 24, 2023 (4:40 pm)

    I was at Admiral and California Ave today at 3pm and saw 2 young men passed out in the Turn lane for 3 light change cycles.  I confronted / woke them up and looked to take keys.  They woke and drove off.   I called 911 and minutes later saw them parked in front of Prost on California Ave.  Info passed on to SPD and waited 45 min for cops to show.  I was not able to watch them any further and had to leave.   Praying they don’t drive off and hurt somebody.   (Indiana Plates JMB 1442  Silver Chevy SUV.)   With so few Police it’s sad that it takes a shooting or violent act to become a priority.  Isn’t the ideal purpose of Police to help prevent crime and not just show after a tragedy!  Great Job City Council!  Way to build community!     

  • Vikki Cain July 24, 2023 (7:40 pm)

    Was anyone hurt? With all this activity why wasnt it covered on the local news?

    • WSB July 24, 2023 (8:02 pm)

      We *are* the local news. If you mean TV, they have 22 counties to cover, and generally what appears to be a non-fatal shooting (as reported separately, we now know the Delridge gunfire killed a man, but that information wasn’t released until 16+ hours later) isn’t going to be a TV story.

Sorry, comment time is over.