Mental illness affects more than the people struggling with it – their families, friends, co-workers are affected too. One of your West Seattle neighbors found support and wants both to let you know about it, and to invite your support. Here’s the message from Jesse:
I have experienced incredible support and care from an organization called NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness. This organization offers support groups, education, and listening ears to families who have a loved one with mental illness. Their goal is to help the caregiver, so the caregiver can better help their loved one in crisis and learns ways to help themselves. Often persons in crisis have little resources for help. This means often it’s a family member or friend who steps up and dedicates part of their life and resources to help this loved one. This takes financial and mental tolls on the caregiver. The support from NAMI and the many other caregivers is an indispensable resource. NAMI helped myself when I had a loved one enter a mental health crisis. My life changed completely after I never saw my husband, home, or puppy again due to his actions. At my lowest NAMI gave me the tools and support I needed to get me to a place where I am stronger than I have ever been. I am grateful beyond words. This is why I created my fundraising team The Cortex Vortex!
Saturday, June 3rd, NAMIWalks is hosting a fundraising walk at Marina Park in Kirkland. We hope to get people out to support the cause to aid mental illness in our community. We are asking for donations to continue providing the resources to help more families in need. Please Join, Donate & Walk with your Families, Friends and Pups!
If you decide to join the walk event, it’s happening 8-11 am Saturday. If you need support, here’s how to contact NAMI’s Helpline – that page also has information about emergency resources.