About those fireworks in the distance

Fireworks season has begun, formally as well as informally. We’ve been hearing booms in the distance for a while, indicating a show somewhere, and indeed, it’s the Bremerton Bridge Blast.

4 Replies to "About those fireworks in the distance"

  • J June 25, 2023 (12:41 am)

    I was wondering what was going on over there. What a treat!

  • 1994 June 25, 2023 (10:33 am)

    I wondered if the low rumbling was distant thunder, or distant fireworks. Noise sure travels far especially after dark when other sounds have quieted down.

  • April June 26, 2023 (10:02 am)

    I watched this from my porch and it was amazing. Cant wait for the 4th of July!!

  • James June 26, 2023 (10:19 am)

    What was the sound at 3am in the Junction area? Heard the loudest boom I’ve ever heard…

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