5:41 PM: Thanks for all the tips. Just appeared on the Seattle City Light outage map – almost 3,300 customers have lost power in north West Seattle. If you’re in that area, you’re going to hear sirens as large outages tend to set off fire alarms and leave people stuck in elevators, all of which require SFD responses. Updates to come.
5:45 PM: Aaron notes that SFD is responding to a tree down in wires at Harbor Avenue/California, so it’s a safe bet that’s the problem.
5:57 PM: Power outage reminders – if a signal’s out, it’s an all-ways stop. And City Light’s restoration attempts are nothing more than guesstimates – they often change and seldom resemble the final resolution time; might be earlier, might be later.
6:17 PM: Thanks to Stewart L. for this photo from the trouble spot:
He says SCL is on site. Meantime, the response to this has blocked Harbor/California, and that’s affecting water-taxi shuttle traffic.
6:39 PM: We’re getting reports that the power’s back on, at least for some – the map now shows 1,321 still out.
8:20 PM: Down to 747. SCL spokesperson Jenn Strang tells us, “There was a landslide in the vicinity that resulted in damaged equipment” – so that’s apparently what took out the tree/wires.
8:31 PM: Meantime, as pointed out in comments, there’s also an outage in lower Gatewood – mapped at 55 customers.
10:48 PM: Per the SCL map, everyone’s back on in north West Seattle. The smaller south outage isn’t resolved yet. (The map blames that one on “bird/animal contact.”)