
WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Gunfire related to burglary attempt (Tuesday update)

ORIGINAL MONDAY NIGHT REPORT: Police have confirmed somebody shot at a house on Bonair this past half-hour. At least two callers reported hearing the shots in the 1900 block, and one thought they saw flashes, before a vehicle left the vicinity. Responding officers have told dispatch they found two casings and damage to the house’s door and garage. No indication that anyone was in the house when it was shot at. If you have any information, the incident # is 23-118464.

TUESDAY UPDATE: Police now say this was linked to a burglary attempt. They say a “light-colored pickup truck” first rammed “the closed garage door of a house under renovation.” Here’s an SPD photo of the garage door:

The two shots were fired into the air after neighbors “yelled that police had been called.” If you have any information, the tip line is 206-233-5000.

41 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Gunfire related to burglary attempt (Tuesday update)"

  • Since91 May 2, 2023 (6:34 am)

    Bonair Place or Bonair Drive?

  • Lisa May 2, 2023 (7:32 am)

    Just lovely. In a previous post I mentioned that every day I come closer to leaving Seattle and someone asked where I would go because it’s like this everywhere. It is NOT like this everywhere. This level of gun violence is NOT normal. The number of times there’s a post here about shootings and gunfire is NOT normal. The fact that people believe it is normal is NOT normal.

    When I mention to friends around the country the number of times there’s a report of a shooting or gunfire investigation in my neighborhood, they are shocked. It is NOT happening in their neighborhoods.

    I know this rant isn’t helping the situation but, really, what can one person do? Yes, vote, blah blah blah. But practically, this is a systemic issue that is not going to be solved anytime soon. 

    • WS Res May 2, 2023 (9:18 am)

      How many neighborhoods have a local news blog that posts a story about every single report of gun use or other crime? Not bloody many. WSB is a treasure but you have to realize it’s the equivalent of hovering over the police scanner – it can wildly distort your perception of “how much crime is there” because other places you’ve lived or people you know elsewhere don’t have this resource.

      • KM May 2, 2023 (9:43 am)

        Very well said.

      • WW Resident May 2, 2023 (11:18 am)

        Having a police scanner actually gives you a clearer perception of how much crime there is, not distorts it. It only distorts someone’s perception of them thinking there’s a lot less crime. 

      • ltfd May 2, 2023 (8:16 pm)

        No “wild distortion”, only noted incidents. As W W RESIDENT  states, there is MORE crime than alluded to here. One need only listen to the scanner (many apps available). There are a lot of dirtbags out there, committing a lot of crime.

      • WSresident May 2, 2023 (10:26 pm)

        The reality is many places even around Seattle are far less violent. Might as well look at data instead of spending time arguing. Data speaks for itself. So for those asking “where would you go” the answer could be (if looking for less crime) anywhere in WA besides Seattle. https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables/table-8/table-8-state-cuts/washington.xls

    • WSRes May 2, 2023 (9:20 am)

      As a 20yrs WS resident and one who travels a bit I agree with you that it is not like this everywhere. I believe our local elected representatives say that to deflect accountability for the situation they created. Like you I’m super frustrated. I love WS and want to stay but it’s being degraded. I believe elections do matter. 

      • bill May 2, 2023 (12:24 pm)

        How are local representatives responsible for the out-of-control gun culture in this country?

        • WS Res May 2, 2023 (1:56 pm)

          Especially when the bought-and-paid-for Supreme Court keeps frustrating any effort at even the most modest regulation efforts at city and state levels.

        • Adam May 2, 2023 (5:29 pm)

          This ridiculous question is at the very heart of the problem. Bill doesn’t understand that local officials have an effect on crime. I’d like to thank you, Bill, and all the others like that outnumber the rational WSea citizens, so that we can keep on this train to nowhere. 

    • David May 2, 2023 (9:51 am)

      This isn’t an airport. No need to announce your departure.

      • cat May 2, 2023 (11:16 am)

        i literally loled!

      • Lisa May 2, 2023 (2:26 pm)

        Also LOLd at that comment. But I wasn’t announcing my departure. I admitted to ranting because I’m so sad and frustrated by the level of violence here.

        The much appreciated WSB has been around for a long time but the number of shootings and gun violence reported is a more recent thing. It’s not simply because it’s being reported more. It’s because it’s happening more. 

        And as rico says, their experience elsewhere is not the same. Where they are, there’s more police presence, no visible homelessness, graffiti, etc. There’s a sense of lawlessness here that’s bonkers.

        Just look at all the businesses on California affected by break-ins and the number of empty storefronts because who wants to open a business in a neighborhood where there’s virtually no chance someone will be convicted (let alone arrested) for committing a crime.

    • WSMom May 2, 2023 (12:07 pm)

      It is too happening in their neighborhood. They just don’t have anything like the West Seattle Blog to report on it.

      • WW Resident May 2, 2023 (1:04 pm)

        You factually know this? 

    • Darryll May 2, 2023 (1:22 pm)

      It’s sad how people are responding like you’re crazy to think this is not a behavior we should expect or accept anywhere in our country. I agree 100% that this is not normal. It’s a sign of degenerate anti social behavior and should never be thought of as acceptable. People who think this is no biggie may have some mental problems they need to address. 

      • WS Res May 2, 2023 (1:55 pm)

        Where did anybody say “this is normal and fine”?  We said that comparing a WSB reader’s perception of local crime to someone living in a place without such a resource is going to result in a distorted perception of “what’s really happening elsewhere vs. here.”

        • Darryll May 2, 2023 (6:53 pm)

          There are plenty of places with a lot less violence, they, and mayhem than seattle these days. Crime stats bare this out. 

        • Lisa May 3, 2023 (6:27 am)

          @WS Res- The fact that people are not outraged that there are multiple reports each week about gun violence and shootings is in itself normalizing it. Like a frog in boiling water, some don’t even recognize it as a problem.

      • Scubafrog May 2, 2023 (4:12 pm)

        I 100% agree.  So many rationalise crime now like it’s an acceptable part of daily life in Seattle.  And it’s not ok, and it’s not something we have to tolerate.  We’ve been abandoned by the mayor and city council who promised us more police, and alternative methods to policing.  I feel unsafe.

        • Darryll May 2, 2023 (6:56 pm)

          100%. And many of those who ushered in the crime and mayhem by complete negligence are now bailing on their office because they know they screwed up. Now we need realist politicians who can accept responsibility and propose policies and budgets that produce results. 

    • Auntie May 2, 2023 (5:35 pm)

      You may not read the newspaper (in print or online) but every single day there are reports of multiple shootings in multiple cities around the country. Many result in deaths or life threatening injuries. It is a pandemic of gun buffoonery everywhere in the US and it needs to be stopped.

      • Scubafrog May 2, 2023 (6:41 pm)

        You’re absolutely right Auntie, I believe this is due to out-of-control gun possession, and in Seattle there’s an element of too-few police (and no “alternative policing” as promised), and we’re still dealing with crime as a side effect of the pandemic, and a lack of a lack of mental health resources.  I also believe, frankly, that there’s a lack of hard consequences for those who’re caught committing violent crimes via the catch-and-release judges, and low/no bail system.  That’s my opinion anyhow, I have  no empirical evidence.  Regardless, it appears to be a dynamic problem, with no easy fix.  

  • Guy May 2, 2023 (7:45 am)

    I heard the two shots from a few blocks away, Rapid succession of the shots, people are shooting each other on a Monday night?

  • Big Bling May 2, 2023 (10:10 am)

    GUNS GUNS GUNS GUNS – say it out loud and you can hear the problem. too many GUNS. 

  • rico May 2, 2023 (12:30 pm)

    I continue to read this news source eventhough I Ieft West Seattle for reasons mentioned above.  My continued interest is somewhat like the tendency of humans to look at car crashes.  Though there is crime where I moved to (obviously) it is not ignored by the City Officials and Police.    There is essentially no visible homeless and RV’s or graffiti.  Every time I leave the house I see police vehicles.  Even the schools here have visible, active security staff including on weekends.  It is amazing what can be done with some common sense and basic budget prioritization that is not controlled by activists who have no regard for regular tax paying citizens and businesses who employ them.

    • 937 May 2, 2023 (1:44 pm)

      Rico – please enlighten us to your new digs….We’re on a countdown and looking for a reasonable place to land.

      Promise we will not be bringing Seattle Politks with us….

    • m May 2, 2023 (2:38 pm)

      Keyword being ‘visible’.  Out of sight out of mind, right?  Doesn’t mean there is not crime or a homeless population in this new found utopia of yours.  

      • Adam May 2, 2023 (5:26 pm)

        Generally speaking, when you don’t see the existence of something you have back home, do you automatically just assume it’s there and at the same level you’re accustomed to seeing? Because that’s what it means to grow complacent and set the bar lower. Congrats. 

      • Lucas May 2, 2023 (7:03 pm)

        I have lived many places over the past twenty years. Seattle right now is not normal. I don’t know why this city keeps voting for progressives as opposed to normal moderates, but until it does, it’s not going to be out of sight or mind.

  • rico May 2, 2023 (4:48 pm)

    Utopia is your word, not mine, nor my intent. I am OK with out of sight out of mind, when it comes to theft and violence, keeps my blood pressure lower that way. I certainly miss the restaurants and “community aspect” of West Seattle, but the trade-offs were no longer worth it to us. I am simply talking about basic enforcement of laws that allowed people to evolve from wild wild west outlaw living in the 1800’s to a civilized society.  The trend (and normalization of) back to wild wild west outlaw living is an embarassment.   I grew up in Seattle and planned to stay for my duration, but no frickin way am I going to stay for this version of society norms.  It was not an easy decision.  But the feeling of shame for my hometown became overwhelming.  I did have to remember to obey traffic laws, they actually pull you over around here.

    • TM May 2, 2023 (6:50 pm)

      I have had a few work trips in the Northeast this spring. It’s been almost a shock to realize you have to be careful of speeding there, b/c cops are visibly out and will pull you over. That went out the window here a few years ago. Likewise back East with no camping on the streets, or (rampant) open hard drug use. We somehow have allowed this squalor to become part of our new Seattle baseline. Covid hammered our community and exacerbated existing issues, but the fog didn’t lift. A culture can be changed. Like a friend of mine says “it’s a decision”. We need new and consistent messaging and follow through from (new) leadership. Won’t change things overnight, but living in this limbo isn’t good for anyone.

  • WSB May 2, 2023 (6:56 pm)

    Just added new information on the incident. The shots were fired after a thwarted crash-and-grab break-in attempt at what was described as a house “under renovation.”

  • Mike May 2, 2023 (7:35 pm)

    Please don’t shoot into the air, or anywhere you don’t plan to destroy or kill.  That’s how accidents go severely wrong, especially in urban settings.  I understand the feeling to react, but it’s A) illegal and B) can have life altering results for the shooter and others, unintentionally.  If you pull a gun in self defense, you’d better be ready to end the life of the immediate threat and deal with the aftermath of legal and emotional results.

    • Adam May 2, 2023 (10:27 pm)

      Very much agree with what you’re saying here. I believe in carrying for protection and am glad we gave the right to that choice, but it can only solve the immediate threat and there’s ramifications to it, legal, emotional, psychological, etc. You should be well-trained to defend yourself, emotionally well enough to make the right decision when forced to, and very much aware of all the ensuing baggage that comes with it. 

    • Rhonda May 2, 2023 (10:52 pm)

      These shots were fired into the air by the burglar(s). Criminals don’t care about where their bullets land.

  • Schumg May 3, 2023 (12:44 am)

    @rico you’re still vague speaking, do tell. Where are you living now that these issues don’t exist??

  • rico May 3, 2023 (11:29 am)

    schumg asks: Where are you living now that these issues don’t exist??I live south of West Seattle and in no way am I claiming there are no issues.But the following issues do not exist:Un-limited spending on initiatives with no success and with no auditing to see if it is money well spent, all the while underfunding basic government responsibilities such as basic infrastructure maintenance (water, sewer roads etc), police, parks etc.  Crime with no consequencesA police force not only degraded by the community leaders, but kept at negligent staff levels relative to the size of the cityVirtually no significant effort in dealing with grafittiNo enforcement of parking duration on the streetsNo enforcement of laws dealing with chop shopsLeaders that are willing to lie to its constituents as a means of garnering support for endless leviesConstituents that keep believing the disingenuous leadershipI could keep going, but nah

  • Ted May 4, 2023 (5:30 am)

    I left Seattle last year and moved to Texas (Austin area)It’s beautiful here and the police are actually supported. Low crime and people respect each other’s propertyThe local officials would never put up with this type of BS

  • Cheryl May 9, 2023 (6:45 pm)

    I lived there for 21 years. I left two years ago, this July. It is not like that everywhere! I now live in a place where my 12 year old a nine-year-old go outside and play with the neighborhood kids and I don’t have to worry about any of this stuff!!

Sorry, comment time is over.