Thanks for the tip. If you’re uphill from Lincoln Park, you might have heard the drumming from this gathering – it was audible in Gatewood. Aztec dancers and drummers are gathered in the park this afternoon. We couldn’t get a lot of information (we were interrupting), but we’re told they are there to honor the Earth.

10 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE WEEKEND SCENE: Dancing in Lincoln Park"

  • Cid April 23, 2023 (2:15 pm)

    Thank you WSB for explaining the drumming I’ve been hearing.  It was driving me crazy not to know the source. Great pictures too.

  • Mrs Shaw April 23, 2023 (2:38 pm)

    Amazing Audibility on 48th by Juneau!! Thank you WSB for always having the answer!

  • EJ April 23, 2023 (2:59 pm)

    Stumbled onto this walking our dogs at the park. It was such a treat to experience!

  • lorraine kristoferson April 23, 2023 (7:50 pm)

    An amazing afternoon, especially the huge and beautiful feather head dresses that somehow stayed on with the energetic dancing and twirling!  I was pleased to see the respectful distance kept by folks who happened upon this performance to honor the Earth.  In addition to the drumming, the dancers wore something (shells?) on their leggings that sounded like rain.  I was transfixed!  Thank you for your coverage, WSB, I was hoping you would come by to check it out!! I’m wondering if this was a specific tribe?  The ceremonial garb was most impressive and unusual.

    • WSB April 23, 2023 (8:28 pm)

      I tried some online research when we got back to HQ and turned up an Aztec dance group in the region but no mention of an event today, nor any particular occasion on the Aztec calendar (at least on the site I found). Thanks to whomever texted us – their photo showed just one person but shortly thereafter we were out walking in Gatewood, heard the drumming, and knew we needed to go down to the park to look. Since West Seattle has two major regional parks (Lincoln & Alki) there are often events we don’t hear about in advance, because they’re not WS-organized, and we really appreciate the tips when people happen onto them. – TR

    • EJ April 23, 2023 (8:45 pm)

      YES!! One of the dancers walked by me and they almost looked to be nuts strung together? Whatever they were, I was transfixed too. What an experience! 

    • Maria April 25, 2023 (7:57 am)

      Hi, I was there honoring the mother earth. We are Aztec Mexica dancers, we are indigenous from differerent cities of Mexico.Some of us reside in Vancouver Washington,  Portland Oregon,  Salem, Seattle. And you are right,  the shells we have on our ankles mimic the sound of the rain.  It was also to bless all the people there. 🙏🏽 I’m glad you enjoyed. Blessings 

  • Fiona April 24, 2023 (8:29 am)

    I could hear it at 44th and Dawson! So cool, thanks WSB!

  • Ly April 24, 2023 (10:53 am)

    Oohh so neat! I wish I knew this was happening ahead of time. Would have loved to witness and learn.

  • Dee April 25, 2023 (11:12 am)

    It’s an Aztec Ceremony Dance by various Mexica tribe and other cultural groups. That’s why it’s not announced, because it’s not a show. I was there with the group. People were wondering why there was produce on the ground. It was an altar to honor the Deity that represents Mother Earth: Tonantzin. The giver of life. The produce and fruits are an offering to the spirits and we each took some home after the ceremony to share with our families. These ceremonies bring healing to mother Earth and bless the space and people around. The music clears negative energy and brings light, love, harmony and peace, that’s the intention. Thanks your interest.

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