THEATER: One-night, free West Seattle performance of ‘Friends Across the Wires’ explores WWII Japanese American incarceration

This Friday, for one night only, the Seattle Historical Theatre Project comes to West Seattle for a free performance of “Friends Across the Wires,” which producer Tamara Bunnell explains “is an original play exploring the impact of the WWII Japanese American Incarceration on young people in Seattle.” The production is touring the region, and the Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (4408 Delridge Way SW) performance at 7:30 pm Friday (April 7th) is a late addition to the schedule, so they want to be sure the word gets out. Here’s the announcement:

Seattle Historical Theatre Project presents

The Seattle Historical Theatre Project is pleased to announce upcoming tour details in West Seattle for their theatre production of Friends Across the Wires, an original play exploring the impact of the WWII Japanese American Incarceration on young people in Seattle.

The play follows best friends Kiyoko and Peggy, students at Seattle’s Broadway High School, from the bombing of Pearl Harbor through the end of Kiyoko’s incarceration at Minidoka. Extensively researched and built from personal interviews, primary sources, and other historical material, the play is designed to teach about the Incarceration while examining themes of friendship, injustice, and resilience. The play will be presented at the Youngstown Cultural Arts Center on Friday, April 7th, at 7:30 pm.

Performing the play in West Seattle is a unique opportunity to shed light on some of the neighborhood’s history. Audience members will have the opportunity to learn about the West Seattle community’s specific responses to the rise of anti-Japanese American rhetoric prevalent in the United States during the war years. Generously funded by 4Culture Arts and Heritage and Kip Tokuda Memorial Washington Civil Liberties Public Education Program grants, this and all performances are offered free-of-charge.

In the photo are cast members Caylin Morrison as Ume, Emma Chang as Kiyoko, and Isaac Tian as Torao. Laura Ferri is playwright and director. Seats at Youngstown on Friday will be first-come, first-served. You can find out more about “Friends Across the Wires” here.

10 Replies to "THEATER: One-night, free West Seattle performance of 'Friends Across the Wires' explores WWII Japanese American incarceration"

  • waikikigirl April 3, 2023 (7:11 am)

    Thank you for the info! My father and his family were sent to “camp” and lost everything, he never spoke of the incarceration but I could see the hurt he had from it.Thank you again I’ll be there!

    • Tamara April 7, 2023 (12:55 pm)

      Waikikigirl, we are so very sorry, but we  have to cancel tonight’s show because of Covid. Please help spread the word if you know of anyone else who was planning to attend. There are a few other opportunities to see the show, and you can find them here:

  • Susan Okamoto Lane April 3, 2023 (2:18 pm)

    Thank you, WSB. My parents and their families were among the more than 120,000 Japanese Americans incarcerated during World War II.

  • waikikigirl April 3, 2023 (8:12 pm)

    WSB, Do you happen to know how long the play is? Thank you in advance

    • WSB April 3, 2023 (8:36 pm)

      Hi, all the info I have is what’s published above, and on the website we link to. I’ll ask the producer in case you can’t find it there.

    • Tamara April 3, 2023 (11:44 pm)

      Hello waikikigirl, the play runs about 90 minutes and there will be an optional Q and A following the performance. We hope to see you there!

      • waikikigirl April 4, 2023 (8:07 am)

        Tamara and of course WSB, Thank you for the info/times and I will be there.

    • Tamara April 7, 2023 (12:58 pm)

      We are so very sorry, but we  have to cancel tonight’s show because of Covid. Please help spread the word if you know of anyone else who was planning to attend. There are a few other opportunities to see the show, and you can find them here: we are able to reschedule the Youngstown show, we will let everyone know.

  • Eleanor Sachiko April 5, 2023 (4:38 pm)

    What is the COVID-19 policy? I’d love to go but I’m wary of indoor spaces…

    • Tamara April 6, 2023 (12:57 pm)

      Masks will not be required, Eleanor, but are, of course, welcome.

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