ALSO RETURNING: Admiral Neighborhood Association’s summer concerts

If you’ve read our coverage of Admiral Neighborhood Association meetings – and/or attended them – you know ANA has been resolute in reviving the group’s long-running summer-concert series, even though its past venue, the back lawn of Hiawatha Community Center, is unavailable. Most recently, ANA was zeroing in on the Lafayette Elementary School playground as a site, and has announced today that three concerts will be held there, on Thursday nights as in the past, July 13th, 20th, and 27th. Performers and other details are forthcoming. If you have questions, a good place to bring them would be ANA’s next general meeting, 7 pm May 9th at Admiral Church (4320 SW Hill). ANA says the agenda that night also will include a long-sought guest appearance by a Seattle Parks official with an update on Hiawatha’s upcoming projects.

6 Replies to "ALSO RETURNING: Admiral Neighborhood Association's summer concerts"

  • Kristina April 18, 2023 (4:30 pm)

    This makes me so happy! Picnics on the grass with friends, live music, running into neighbors, is the best. I have missed it!

  • Admiral April 18, 2023 (5:18 pm)

    Kristina – the space at Lafayette ES is asphalt and will be in the sun.  But as they say the show must go on, the space works as an interim site.  I can’t wait to get the Hiawatha Park building facility back for community use!

  • Gina April 18, 2023 (7:18 pm)

    There is a grassy area full of holes dug by dogs on the north end of the playground.

  • Kelly April 18, 2023 (11:18 pm)

    Yay! No complaints here – will be awesome to listen to music and be amongst the community again! 

  • Hold Parks Accountable April 19, 2023 (5:40 pm)

    If you go to the meeting, be sure to ask the Seattle Parks rep about the Hiawatha Play Area too!

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