WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Car-window rampage; another business break-in; more video of weekend auto-shop burglars

Three West Seattle Crime Watch reports this morning:

(One of the broken car windows in the neighborhood)

CAR-WINDOW RAMPAGE: We’ve heard from multiple people about this. Here’s what Marcus and Chantell reported:

We along with many of our neighbors in the Fairmount Park neighborhood (we’re on the 5400 block of 37th Ave SW specifically) woke up to smashed car windows this morning. From talking with other neighbors out to survey the damage, it sounds like at least a couple dozen cars may have been hit.

They’ve talked with an officer who told them the report number for all the incidents is 23-022558. Another reader who emailed us said it was believed to have happened around 1 am.

BUSINESS BREAK-IN: Thanks to Mary for the tip. Burglar(s) hit another business overnight – this time, Dough Joy Donuts in The Junction. We went to the shop to ask about it.

Dough Joy is usually closed Tuesdays – but they’re there today cleaning up and expect to be ready to open on their next regular day, Thursday. They told us the burglar(s) took two iPads. This is at least the fifth Junction business burglary/burglary attempt in the past month – after By and By, Cherry Consignment, Junction True Value, and Menashe & Sons Jewelers. The West Seattle Junction Association tells WSB they’re talking about ways to improve business-district-wide security.

VIDEO OF FIRST WEST SEATTLE AUTOWORKS BREAK-IN: Last weekend we reported on two break-ins at West Seattle Autoworks (7501 35th SW; WSB sponsor), Friday night and Saturday morning. We included video of the second burglary, in which a white van was backed into the garage door twice, Today WSAW has shared video of the first burglary, in which a red Honda was driven up in front of the office and the burglars got out to smash their way in:

Just after a minute into the next clip, you’ll see the safe thrown out the window before one of the burglars struggles to get it into the vehicle:

In part of the security video, the vehicle’s plate is shown – CEK7902. One other number of note – if you have any information, the SPD incident number is 23-019442.

19 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Car-window rampage; another business break-in; more video of weekend auto-shop burglars"

  • Steven January 24, 2023 (12:17 pm)

    I just don’t understand why.  

  • Customer of WS Junction January 24, 2023 (12:48 pm)

    Do we know how SPD plans to handle this? Things are getting out of hand and I don’t want to see any more small businesses suffer. Would a patrol unit be able to make frequent rounds at night? Any other suggestions from SPD?

    • Anne January 24, 2023 (2:05 pm)

      SPD spread a little thin to be making “ frequent rounds at night”  right now. 

  • HS January 24, 2023 (12:54 pm)

    A few closeups for what it’s worth and because I’m procrastinating.

  • S - In West Seattle January 24, 2023 (1:21 pm)

    This is just crazy that there has been this uptick in Crime here. I feel like there has been more break-ins and vehicles smashing business then ever before. 

  • Sarah January 24, 2023 (1:40 pm)

    There were multiple car windows smashed on my block. 6000 36th. 

    • Betsy January 25, 2023 (9:24 am)

      Yes multiple vehicles on SW 42nd between Holly & Morgan got hit, including mine. Perturbed to find the SW Precinct Police no longer open to the public. Defunding the police is not an effective way to combat crime or racism. Just sayin! 

  • AHGuy January 24, 2023 (1:55 pm)

    Someone tried to smash our car front passenger window on 1/3/23 about 4:30 am in Arbor Heights on 98th.  Car pulled up behind ours in middle of street, passenger jumped out and ran up to the window and hit with a bar, then wound up and hit it again, didn’t break, hopped back into car and sped off.  All on camera, less than 15 seconds, seemed young and thin. Called 911 within 10 mts, said nothing they could do.  Time to vote for change, for a safer Seattle.

    • D-Mom January 25, 2023 (8:00 am)

      That might be the same day a few other cars were hit. Glad your window didn’t break. 

  • Sillygoose January 24, 2023 (2:04 pm)

    Look at these fine upstanding your men, their parents must be so so proud of them!  I have no doubt they will be caught and may the courts finally grow some and lock these guys up for a long long time. 

  • Peter January 24, 2023 (2:23 pm)

    It is terrible to see the increase in crime occurring in and around West Seattle. Our local businesses don’t deserve this.

  • E January 24, 2023 (2:30 pm)

    Multiple windows smashed on 6000 37th block too. 

  • StreamDreamer January 24, 2023 (2:43 pm)

    If you read more neighborhood blogs or other news stories you’ll see this is happening throughout every business district in Seattle from Ballard to Greenwood, Queen Anne, Wallingford and the U District, Capitol Hill, Columbia City and all of our neighborhoods in West Seattle. It is absolutely unacceptable and although our new mayor has made some positive changes in clearing encampments, we need prosecution and punishment for anyone caught and convicted. It is way past time to clean up this city….these criminals are fearless at this point.

  • Also John January 24, 2023 (2:44 pm)

    Getting to that safe was easy.   Although it was probably the most work that dudes done in his life.    The threat of prosecution and decades in prison will slow this slime down.

  • Kersti Elisabeth Muul January 24, 2023 (2:55 pm)

    A work van was smashed during my short walk in Lincoln Park today. Van is on corner of Fauntleroy and Thistle. I saw a white truck circling the block/ it 3 times  while I was waiting to cross the street. It then circles over to Fauntleroy place and starts to creep back towards the van so I videoed it and got the license plate.  Large Dodge ram. No back license plate, tinted windows. I reported it to police but nothing really to be done. I hope the truck gets popped and matched to other crimes 

  • Savannah January 24, 2023 (4:27 pm)

    I also saw a truck with a bashed out window (parked on the West) side of the street yesterday (January 23) at 7:30am near the gas station at the North end of Lincoln Park. 

  • Rat city Mom January 25, 2023 (10:55 am)

    I was lucky enough to upgrade my car alarm system before sound on wheels in burien closed down and it was well worth it because it blasts the entire neighborhood awake if anything comes within 18 in of my car !I also put the club on my steering wheel and take everything out of my car at night

  • Admyrl Byrd January 26, 2023 (7:48 pm)

    Don’t recall seeing any substantive stances on crime by the first 2 D1 candidate announcements.Remember these kinds of posts when evaluating candidates to vote for and back this summer.

    • WSB January 26, 2023 (8:17 pm)

      We will of course be interviewing candidates and hosting a forum before the primary, but these first mentions are based on what the candidates wrote in their initial announcements. Also note that our posts always link to the candidates’ websites as well (linked to the first reference to their name), where they usually have more information as well. – TR

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