(Robin and Mountain Ash berries, photographed in Arbor Heights by Mark)
Here’s what’s happening for the rest of your Friday, from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar and Holiday Guide:
WARM BEVERAGE FUNDRAISER: Get a drink at Hotwire Coffee (4410 California SW) today and tell them you’re supporting Genesee Hill Elementary, which will get 20% of the proceeds.
CAT/KITTEN ADOPTION: 2-4 pm at Pet Elements (6511 California SW), Beloveds Animal Relief Rescue Foundation can introduce you to cats/kittens looking for their forever homes.
NATIVE ART MARKET: 10 am-7 pm today (and tomorrow), the season’s second and final market at the Duwamish Longhouse (4705 W. Marginal Way SW).
WEST SEATTLE YULETIDE: Fourth weekend begins for thousands of lights synched to music outside a home on 38th SW between Genesee and Dakota – 6:30-10 pm.
LIVE MUSIC AT C & P: 7-9 pm, West Seattle Busker performs at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor). No cover.
LIVE MUSIC AT THE SKYLARK: Doors at 7, music at 8 – Gordon’s Crowbar, Without a Shadow, Stargazy Pie. $10 cover. 21+. (3803 California SW)
SEATTLE GIRLS CHOIR: 7:30 pm at Holy Rosary (42nd/Genesee), Seattle Girls Choir presents “Carmina Angelorum.”
‘MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET’: At 7:30 pm, it’s the start of the second and final weekend for the Twelfth Night Productions presentation of The Lux Radio Theater version of the classic 1947 film, performed at Kenyon Hall (7904 35th SW) – here’s a trailer:
We’re told tickets remain for tonight and Saturday night but the final performance, Sunday – also TNP’s last show ever – is sold out. Ticket info and other details can be found on the TNP website.
ARTSWEST HOLIDAY SHOW: Tonight at 7:30 pm, it’s your next chance to see “Q Brothers Christmas Carol” at ArtsWest (4711 California SW; WSB sponsor) – ticket info is in our calendar listing.
More in our Holiday Guide and Event Calendar – and if you have something to add, please email westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!