The video and report are from Amy:

We live in a townhouse in the alley behind Juneau Street Market. Our neighbor’s mailbox was broken into on Monday night and his mail was stolen. (The thief also checked our mailboxes and checked out our neighbor’s house.) We have video of the thieves approaching and of the break-in. (above) … Our neighbor has reported the incident but we wanted the West Seattle community to be aware.

This is the framegrab with the clearest view of both faces:

We’ll add the incident # when we get it.

11 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Mailbox prowlers"

  • CeeBee November 30, 2022 (3:16 pm)

    Incredible that the post office leaves mail sticking out of the top.  “please take me and check to see if the people are on vacation so you can break in there too!”

  • shotinthefoot November 30, 2022 (4:24 pm)

    gotta love when these dummies stare directly into the camera.  

  • Katie November 30, 2022 (4:53 pm)

    Off Californaia and Massachusetts  we had a break in last Wed, they got into the mail box, our building and stole the top of our dryer

  • Katie November 30, 2022 (4:57 pm)

    Off California and Massachusetts our mailboxes were rummaged through, left open, our building was broken into with a letter stolen, as well as the top of our dryer unit

  • Tim November 30, 2022 (6:09 pm)

    Now we have to worry about the tops of our dryers? 

  • bill November 30, 2022 (7:17 pm)

    I need a new mailbox but I see there’s no point in splashing out for a “security” box. 

  • zipda November 30, 2022 (10:01 pm)

    Lethargic and unmotivated appearing thieves.

  • Oliver December 1, 2022 (9:29 am)

    It may sound like overkill, but his fingerprints are all over that thing. Guaranteed he’s in the systemIsnt it a federal crime?Identity theft is financially devastating for folks.

  • Amy December 1, 2022 (10:25 am)

    Agreed. We had the same thought about the fingerprints and the federal crime issue. Our neighbor has contacted USPIS who is sharing with a local postal inspector. 

  • Steve-0 December 1, 2022 (12:01 pm)

    Police won’t do anything – they can’t find stolen vehicles, you think they’re going to worry about your mail? The Post office won’t do anything either, as Ive reported theft for YEARS — not so much as a call back from the postmaster. So…

    The only work around seems to be:
    1) A post office box –they’re laugh out loud expensive, and nearly impossible to acquire.
    2) Heavy duty locking safety box. They are
    heavy and *can* be difficult to install, and are very expensive.
    3) Go 100% paperless

    Score:Thieves: 3241
    Diligent humans: 0

  • wit December 2, 2022 (9:31 am)

    Seems like a lovely date night; going out and committing federal crimes!

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