Two West Seattle incidents from SPD summaries:

ROBBED AT THE BANK: This happened shortly after 11 am Tuesday inside the Westwood Village Chase Bank, police report. A woman in a wheelchair had just withdrawn money from her account when a woman walked up to her, “forcefully grabbed the victim’s money out of her hand,” then walked out of the bank.

No description included in that summary nor in this one:. The suspect walked outside the bank and left the scene. Officers arrived and conducted an area search for the suspect, but she wasn’t located.

WOULD-BE GOOD SAMARITAN ROBBED, ASSAULTED: This happened just after 10:30 Monday morning in the 9400 block of Delridge Way SW. A man saw two people beating someone up and tied to intervene. He instead got punched in the face, knocked down, and stomped on. One of the attackers, the report says, reached into the victim’s pocket, grabbed his wallet, and fled along with the other attacker.

11 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Two people robbed"

  • Lola October 26, 2022 (2:01 pm)

    Don’t banks usually have the rent a cop nearby?  Sounds like Chase Bank does not have one.  I hope the poor lady  is ok, that must have been tramatizing.  

    • East Coast Cynic October 26, 2022 (3:04 pm)

      You beat me to that question.  Is the security guard a turnip, if he or she was available at all?

      • WSB October 26, 2022 (3:31 pm)

        Please note, the summaries do not have any details about exactly how things went down. Without that, we don’t know if the theft was obvious to others, if it was something that happened quietly and was reported later, OR if the victim screamed HELP and there was/wasn’t a security guard.

      • Michael October 26, 2022 (3:38 pm)

        No security guard at that Chase branch

        • Lola October 27, 2022 (8:46 am)

          Michael,Of all of the Banks we have I would think that the Westwood Village one would have a security guard seeing as they always have robberies, smash and grabs, and such.  

  • Graciano October 26, 2022 (2:13 pm)

    Stealing from a handicapped person is about low as it gets…, Karma has a special place for you!

  • Jim P. October 26, 2022 (2:21 pm)

    So much for feeling safe inside a bank.  Wow.

  • NephewOfA70YearOldBankSecurityGuard October 26, 2022 (3:55 pm)

    Bank security guards are minimum wage workers, please don’t expect them to risk their life and help you out if a bank is being robbed.

  • Kersti Elisabeth Muul October 26, 2022 (4:08 pm)

    Cameras ??

  • Seattlite October 26, 2022 (4:43 pm)

    Situational awareness is key in today’s society.  There are disturbed, mean people on the streets.  

  • Junction Res October 27, 2022 (11:04 pm)

    This ounds like the woman who walked into our restaurant, grabbed a guests wine they were drinking off the bar, said thank you and walked out the back door setting off our emergency alarm.   Never seen anything like it in all my years.  She simply strutted down the alley like it was nothing.    She was spotted the next day crossing the intersection from Great American Diner to the 7-11 like it was an all ways walk.  Strutted through the middle of the intersection smoking a cigarette with zero eff’s given for traffic.  It’s just mind blowing how little regard people have for each others nowadays.  

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