WEDNESDAY: New SDOT director Greg Spotts @ HPAC (update – he canceled)

Last month, new SDOT director Greg Spotts talked with the West Seattle Transportation Coalition (WSB coverage here); now, he’s scheduled as the spotlight guest for this month’s meeting of HPAC, the community council for Highland Park, Riverview, and South Delridge. Got a question about which way the transportation policy in the city is going? This is your chance to ask – or just to listen to what he has to say, with so many transportation issues having emerged or intensified in the HPAC neighborhoods during the bridge closure. The meeting will be held online at 7 pm Wednesday (October 26th); video/call-in info is on the HPAC website, along with details of what else is on the agenda. All welcome.

WEDNESDAY UPDATE: HPAC says Spotts had to cancel due to a conflict.

5 Replies to "WEDNESDAY: New SDOT director Greg Spotts @ HPAC (update - he canceled)"

  • Jeepney October 24, 2022 (10:19 am)

    If I am able to attend, I will ask Mr. Spotts what was the thinking behind the recent street redo at Holden and EC Hughes playfield.  I understand putting up the floppy bollards at the marked crosswalk, but what SDOT did in the rest of the project was overkill.

    • m October 24, 2022 (10:44 pm)

      The new design marks every crosswalk there and put up bollards and paint to prevent cars from parking in them—drivers tend to park in those intersections when it is busy, and the sightlines were terrible as well. I really hate the plastic bollard trend, but hopefully it helps drivers park legally and makes it easier for peds to be seen. I wish they would put in permanent curb bulbs—looks  better, longer lasting, and drivers can’t run them down as easily.

  • Greg Spotts October 27, 2022 (6:06 am)

    Hi- sorry about the cancellation. I will definitely visit with HPAC at a future meeting. 

  • Chris October 27, 2022 (8:19 am)

    After being on Twitter all day, Greg cancelled two community meetings to grab drinks with co-workers instead. Never thought I would say this but I miss Sam.

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