FYI: Seattle City Light testing in West Seattle

Seattle City Light crews will be doing “contact voltage” testing in West Seattle over the next few weeks, SCL spokesperson Jenn Strang tells WSB. She explains, “This is an annual testing event for excess voltage and is conducted overnight. Contact voltage can occur on the surface of metal streetlight structures, street signs, or other fixtures that can become energized. There should be no disturbance to residents or businesses, but some people may notice the truck …” This is vital testing, as contact voltage can be deadly. You can find out more about this testing – and what to do if you suspect a contact-voltage problem – by going here.

1 Reply to "FYI: Seattle City Light testing in West Seattle"

  • Pat davis October 7, 2022 (9:50 am)

    That’s good to know thanks for putting that on the blog. Hopefully they will turn their engines off when they are parked so we’re not breathing carbon monoxide ( Which is deadly to the brain and is for a method of suicide. As a sidenote we all need to be aware of how much gas we are using and not running our motors to keep cell phone contact. The gasoline is finite and underlies political and war issues worldwide. So each of us can do our part and not wasting this precious resource)

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