(Three ‘massing’ options, from design packet by SHW)
In July, we reported on a plan for microapartments at 9059 (corrected) 16th SW, where the existing vacant building was gutted by fire a year ago and then listed for sale. The proposal, which also covers a parcel to the north, is going through Administrative Design Review, which means no public meetings, though there’s still an opportunity for community comment. The city website describes the plan as 4 stories with 67 apartments. The design packet by architecture firm SHW is here; it notes that the building is proposed with 67 bicycle-parking spaces and no offstreet motor-vehicle parking. The review is in the Early Design Guidance stage of the process, so you can comment on its size/shape/placement on the site by emailing assigned city planner Carly Guillory at carly,guillory@seattle.gov.