The scheduled start of Seattle Public Schools classes for all but kindergarteners is just ~36 hours away. But the district and its educators’ union haven’t reached a contract agreement yet. Here are tonight’s notes:
MEDIATION: Though the district said Friday that the union had rejected its suggestion for mediation, the Seattle Education Association‘s media update tonight said, ” The SEA Bargaining Team met with SPS on Sunday and met with a mediator today to continue work toward an agreement.”
STRIKE VOTE: The union’s media update also noted that members’ strike-authorization voting ends at 9 am tomorrow. They will announce the results during an online media briefing at noon. They’re then planning on a rally at district headquarters at 4:30 pm.
DISTRICT: No new update since Sunday’s statement that they wanted the union to sign a Memorandum of Understanding to continue talks while starting school as scheduled. A line atop the district website promises, “If the first day of school is delayed, we will update families and staff as soon as possible.”
SPECIAL-EDUCATION ISSUES: This was called to our attention today by a reader who thought the wider community should know, The Seattle Council and Special Education PTSA issued a joint statement Sunday saying they wanted the public to see the recommendations of the Special Education Task Force – what they consider a “road map” both sides should be following to an agreement. You can read them here.