WEST SEATTLE WILDLIFE: Three reports, from Puget Sound to Longfellow Creek to Belvidere

We’re taking a quick mid-afternoon break from the rest of the news to show you these wildlife sightings:

LUNCH AT LOW TIDE: Dianne sent this photo of a Great Blue Heron lunching during this morning’s low-low tide:

We’ll have more low-low tide photos in a separate roundup tonight – thanks to those who’ve sent theirs so far!

BEAVER SIGHTING: Manuel sent this video from Longfellow Creek:

This was just south of West Seattle Health Club, he reports.

SKUNK SIGHTING: Rose shared the link this video:

Rose explains that she “had a surprise visitor to the Wild Reiki Spa the other night. I had no idea we had skunks in the Admiral/Belvidere area!” (Here’s what the state says about skunks.)

15 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE WILDLIFE: Three reports, from Puget Sound to Longfellow Creek to Belvidere"

  • MrsL July 14, 2022 (3:50 pm)

    Great video on the beaver. There are a couple substantial dams on Longfellow Creek near Louisa Borden STEM, but we never see the builders. 

    • Kersti Elisabeth Muul July 14, 2022 (5:59 pm)

      They had two babies this year 

      • 1994 July 14, 2022 (10:15 pm)

        Kits, they are called kits not babies.

        • momosmom July 15, 2022 (8:27 am)

          OH Brother!

          • Kersti Elisabeth Muul July 15, 2022 (12:52 pm)

            Right?! 🤣 Like I of all people don’t know that. Also, they are still referred to as babies FYI 🙄

  • Yep July 14, 2022 (4:21 pm)

    Great videos! Thanks for sharing. 

  • Joan July 14, 2022 (4:41 pm)

    Super cool about the skunk! I never knew they were around here either. Shows the importance of water for wildlife in our dry summers. If you want to help wildlife, have a water source in your yard. You never know who will show up!

  • Astro July 14, 2022 (5:04 pm)

    Beaver makes sense…skunk is unexpected and he looked well feed.

  • Ben Oleson July 14, 2022 (5:49 pm)

    Oh a beaver!!  Love this so much

  • anonyme July 15, 2022 (5:47 am)

    A skunk and a beaver!  How exciting.

  • Jennifer July 15, 2022 (1:41 pm)

    Oh my gosh I just love skunks!!! I never thought we’d ever see one in WS. How cool. They can come visit me anytime! The beaver is awesome too. It’s so nice to see some wild nature in WS besides our usual residents. 

  • tim July 15, 2022 (2:23 pm)

    Skunk?  Neighbor says his name is Carl.

  • Dave July 16, 2022 (12:07 pm)

    The beavers are great and all but Longfellow creek is a salmon run and the beavers have dammed up the crucial parts of the salmon run. WDFW should be aware of the situation and dealing with trapping and relocating the beavers. 

  • Suzan July 17, 2022 (9:22 am)

    Thanks for sharing the beaver video!

  • Leonette July 18, 2022 (12:07 pm)

    I live near the College Street gully and had an opossum in my back yard last week, pretty unusual.

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