THURSDAY: Your chance to comment on next six years of Seattle Park District spending

One-fifth of Seattle Parks‘ funding comes from a supplementary source – the property-tax-levy-funded Seattle Park District, created with voter approval in 2014. Tomorrow at 5:30 pm (Thursday, July 14th), the City Council, meeting as the Park District Board, will have a public hearing on a spending proposal for the district’s next six-year funding cycle. With so much park space in West Seattle, you might consider commenting, so we want to be sure you’ve heard about it. The proposal includes “pre-committed” spending for so-called landbanked parks including the three in West Seattle (The Junction, Morgan Junction, 48th/Charlestown) – here’s the high-level breakdown; the proposal results from work by the Board of Park Commissioners, as detailed here. Tomorrow’s public hearing comes before elected officials propose potential changes, as outlined in this post by Councilmember Lisa Herbold last month. It’s a hybrid meeting, at City Hall and online, and you can comment either way – the agenda explains how.

6 Replies to "THURSDAY: Your chance to comment on next six years of Seattle Park District spending"

  • Luke July 13, 2022 (7:51 pm)

    How about finishing that 5 year long south Lincoln Park playground project?!?!

  • Kyle July 13, 2022 (8:57 pm)

    Honestly, I just want more bathrooms open in the winter so I don’t have to pee behind a bush.

  • tim July 13, 2022 (9:19 pm)

    How about stop spending and lower my rent/property taxes?

  • Mj July 13, 2022 (10:13 pm)

    Honor the promise not to supplant general fund money identified for parks with Park Levy money.  For those that do not remember, when the Levy was passed the Council specifically promised not to redirect existing Park funding to other general fund spending.  Keep this promise!

    • Eric1 July 13, 2022 (11:59 pm)

      LOL MJ.  If you believe the promise of the Seattle Council; I have bridges to sell you,  some rare oceanfront Nevada property and I also own exclusive rights to sell property on the moon.  Just call (800) IMA-FOOL.  Press 1, enter you SSN, bank account #, mother’s maiden name and date of birth. (the deeds will be in the mail, 4-6 weeks after payment clears)

  • Jort July 14, 2022 (9:14 am)

    How about mowing the grass? Do we really need to double the levy to mow the grass?   Will $1 million bathroom projects now cost $2 million?

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