SUMMER: 40 West Seattle High School students make school history with their travel plans

Summer adventure is ahead for 40 West Seattle High School students, as part of a district-leading program – here’s the announcement:

We have the excellent news to announce that more students than ever from West Seattle High School will be studying abroad this summer. We are the top school in the district and one of the top schools in the nation with CIEE! This summer, 40 students from WSHS will be departing the country for 3-4 weeks to study abroad as part of the CIEE Global Navigator Program. They will be studying a wide variety of subjects during their experience, including language, environmental science, arts, business, leadership, and international relations. Students will be traveling to 11 different countries including Mexico, Spain, France, Costa Rica, Argentina, Portugal, UK, Ireland, Morocco, Dominican Republic, and the Netherlands. This year, students earned over $66,000 in scholarships toward their journeys. This program is coordinated by French teacher Meghan Schumacher.

6 Replies to "SUMMER: 40 West Seattle High School students make school history with their travel plans"

  • Jane June 4, 2022 (7:28 pm)

    Wonderful! Meghan is such an encouraging supportive force behind global learning. What lucky learners!

  • CJ June 4, 2022 (8:36 pm)

    Thanks to Meghan Schumacher for facilitating this incredible opportunity for these young people!  

  • Carmen June 5, 2022 (3:08 am)

    Enjoy this wonderful opportunity!!! Cherish every second and be grateful you get a chance to do this… Safe travels! 🙏🏻

  • WS resident June 5, 2022 (9:41 am)

    Bravo! Wishing that even more kids could benefit from this program. Seeing the world and meeting new people is so important. Thank you Megan and WSHS!

  • Huh June 5, 2022 (4:07 pm)

    I didn’t know CIEE… a quick google search: Council on International Educational Exchange(CIEE),

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