ELECTION 2022: 34th District Democrats’ endorsement decisions

checkbox.jpgOur area’s largest political group finished its pre-primary endorsements last night, but voting members didn’t have a clear choice in this year’s biggest local race, so that wound up with a dual endorsement: Two Democrats are among the three candidates seeking to succeed State House Rep. Eileen Cody, and after three rounds of voting last night, the 34th DDs had endorsed both of them, Emily Alvarado and Leah Griffin. The group’s rules reauire 60 percent approval for an endorsement, and while Griffin came close — 58% on the first ballot – that wasn’t enough. Two other contested races went to multiple ballots, both Seattle Municipal Court judgeships; Position #7 resulted in a sole endorsement for incumbent Judge Damon Shadid, while Position #3 ended up in a dual endorsement. The 34th DDs also endorsed a slate of candidates on a unanimous vote, pulling out one of those candidates – Leesa Manion, the West Seattleite running for King County Prosecutor – for a standalone vote, also a unanimous endorsement. The online meeting was attended by more than 100 people, with just under 90 voting. The primary election is Tuesday, August 2nd.

2 Replies to "ELECTION 2022: 34th District Democrats' endorsement decisions"

  • Mel June 9, 2022 (6:22 pm)

    Always find I’m disappointed in at least one of the candidates they endorse. Leesa Manion? Doesn’t she work for the current KC prosecutor that everyone feels like is doing such a great job? (enter sarcasm) 

  • Sixbuck June 9, 2022 (7:58 pm)

    Thank you for letting me know who not to vote for. 

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