WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 2 store robberies in ~1 hour

10:18 PM: Seattle Police are investigating another robbery at the Lucky 5 mini-mart/gas station (35th/Henderson). The call came in about quarter past 9. Officers told dispatch that the robbers were described as “unknown race males,” both with handguns, who are believed to have gotten away in a silver “older model” Toyota Corolla, last seen eastbound on SW Henderson. No other details; if you have any tips, the SPD incident # is 22-127475.

10:26 PM: Now police are responding to a second mini-mart holdup, at 4001 California SW. Officers gave dispatch this early description: two Black males and one Asian male, all three in their 20s and dressed entirely in black. They got away via the alley behind the store. … A K-9 is being brought in to help search.

10:33 PM: The description’s been updated to say two of the robbers were in orange jackets and the third wore a gray hoodie. Officers are telling dispatch they believe these are the same robbers who held up the Lucky 5 an hour earlier. Same getaway car – silver Toyota Corolla, last seen southbound in the alley. If you have tips/sightings on this, incident # is 22-127529.

18 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 2 store robberies in ~1 hour"

  • 1994 May 20, 2022 (10:27 pm)

    Come on you punks – get a job to earn your money and leave the businesses alone! Living a risky life will catch up to you so make some better choices.

    • Mike June 7, 2022 (3:18 pm)

      They are not concerned with life or thier own

  • Neighbor May 20, 2022 (10:31 pm)

  • ~Hockeywitch~ May 20, 2022 (10:33 pm)

    A bunch of cops just went flying South on 35th just now (10:30PM) too… another robbery???

    • WSB May 20, 2022 (10:43 pm)

      Nothing over the air …

  • Another neighbor May 20, 2022 (10:51 pm)

    Was outside and heard a bang (thought it was someone throwing trash in the alley) and saw the silver car drive right past. Police were notified and it confirmed it is the same people they are looking for 

  • Person May 20, 2022 (10:55 pm)

    Speculating here but the car sounds like the one I saw screeching away from the 2 car gun fight around Morgan a couple weeks ago. But I would have described it more as a beige-silver. Was there any new info on that?

  • StopCuttingDownTrees May 20, 2022 (11:01 pm)

    That’s the 4th robbery of the Lucky 5 mini-mart in the past 2 years. That’s such a nice, hard-working family. They deserve so much better than this life-threatening lawlessness.

    • Lucky 5 Customer May 21, 2022 (7:40 am)

      Sue and her family sold Lucky 5 a few months ago. I am sad they left, however it was because of the crime and terror they had been through in such a short time.

  • Steve May 21, 2022 (5:50 am)

    Any footage?

  • K May 21, 2022 (7:44 am)

    FYI Lucky 5 is under new ownership. The previous owners moved on after selling to another family. 

  • Mj May 21, 2022 (9:18 am)

    One of these days a perp is going to try to rob a well armed merchant that is fed up with the failed criminal justice system.

  • *powerupp* May 21, 2022 (11:05 am)

    These scum punks need to be caught and given hard labor sentence and maybe a slice of bread to keep them alive.  Jeez hope none of you are unlucky enough to be in one of these situations.. 

    • Neighbor May 21, 2022 (2:06 pm)

      Please get psychological help.  Fantasizing about torture is not healthy or normal.

      • Also John May 21, 2022 (5:04 pm)

        @Neighbor…..Powerupp doesn’t need psychological help.  Powerupp is 100% correct!  I’m disappointed that Powerupp wants to feed them.

      • Rhonda May 21, 2022 (8:05 pm)

        Tolerating extreme violent crime and lampooning those who want to stop it is not healthy or normal, either. There are REAL, terrified victims from these robberies who may have long-term PTSD from them. 

  • *powerupp* May 21, 2022 (5:28 pm)

    @NEIGHBOR-please get psychological help yourself. I’m not fantasizing about your so called  torture.  I figured someone would come up with a perfectly dumb remark like this.  Don’t twist the comment.  I’m  healthy and normal thank you.  Meanwhile- there has been another robbery today. Hope everyone stays safe.  

  • John May 22, 2022 (7:11 am)

    I’m all for bringing back hard labor as a prison sentence and it is not torture. It’s obvious the current criminal system is not much of a impediment to stopping criminals. It’s time to start making their time in jail very uncomfortable so they don’t want to end up there again.

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