FOLLOWUP: ‘Driver report card’ signs, week 4

Week 4 of what the city says is a six-week experiment – two signs in High Point displaying results from a weekly check of how many drivers stop for pedestrians. Above, the Sylvan Way count is up to 17 percent, for an unmarked crossing, from last week‘s 11 percent; below, the 34th/Morgan marked crosswalk takes a drop to 22 percent from last week’s 43 percent.

According to SDOT, the percentages are from a hand count done by student interns working with Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association. After six weeks, the signs are supposed to be moved elsewhere in the city.

8 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: 'Driver report card' signs, week 4"

  • Delridge Neighbor April 8, 2022 (8:37 pm)

    Car drivers have no respect for the law.

  • Lisa April 9, 2022 (1:06 am)

    They really need that sign at 35th and Avalon. That intersection is dangerous for pedestrians!

    • Sfb April 9, 2022 (1:00 pm)

      If this has just demonstrated that these signs don’t improve safety, what good will moving the sign to a dangerous intersection do?

      • Pedestrian J April 9, 2022 (8:30 pm)

         I believe this is more of a study that is being done, they are collecting data. Please note there is a link above that can tell you more about the study’s and it’s intent. I walk daily for work and leisure and I can tell you that it is dangerous for pedestrians in West Seattle. If drivers don’t slow down they may end up killing someone or have even more restrictions on speed. Just in front of my apartment building a women was hit 2 days ago from someone whipping around the corner. Luckily she only had minor injuries. 

  • DD April 9, 2022 (9:21 am)

    The crosswalk at SW College and California AVE SW is consistently ignored by drivers. Usually takes three to four cars coasting right through before one will stop for me.  And this is a well-marked crosswalk.  Another dangerous area (unmarked ) is SW Hill and California AVE SW.  Since this is right by a significant bus stop, drivers should be even more aware of pedestrians in this location.  Even if you stand in the street, few ever stop. 

  • V April 9, 2022 (10:38 am)

    I cannot tell you the countless amount of times I have been nearly hit in Alaska Junction due to careless drivers not yielding to pedestrians in the crosswalk, not looking both ways before turning, looking at their phone, need to blow through an intersection to make the light, etc. at all times of the day and night. I keep saying people out here in WA don’t know how to drive because it also happens in downtown Seattle. I’ve lived in a lot of major cities during my lifetime and this has got to be the worst one for pedestrians. 

    • Pessoa April 9, 2022 (12:06 pm)

      Agreed.  Even in Los Angeles,  motorists are much more patient and courteous with pedestrians.  I didn’t see the fuming behind the wheel waiting for a pedestrian to lope causually across a street, often a wide boulevard. Although road manners in LA, like elsewhere, declined during the pandemic.

      • Admyrl Byrd April 11, 2022 (9:46 pm)

        Pretty sure in LA you’ll still see enforcement officers pull people over from time to time.  Yes, drivers should respect the law, but there’s no repercussions if they don’t unless they kill someone.

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