DEVELOPMENT: 3257 Harbor Avenue SW takes another turn

(Rendering by Steve Fischer Architects, for project approved for 3257 Harbor)

Another chapter in the long history of the development site centered on 3257 Harbor Avenue SW [map] – it’s back on the market, commercial real-estate listings show. We’ve written about it more than a few times over the past 15 years; it was once owned by disgraced developer Michael Mastro. The site subsequently has had multiple development proposals – in 2014, a mixed-use plan with 80+ apartments went into Design Review, and then two years later, that plan was scrapped and a 32-townhouse plan emerged. That plan went all the way through Design Review and land-use permitting but then went idle. Now the site’s on the market, with the plans for those 32 townhouses offered as part of the $5 million listing. A buyer could choose to start something else from scratch, as the townhouse project was approved under 40-foot zoning, and the site now has a 55-foot height limit.

2 Replies to "DEVELOPMENT: 3257 Harbor Avenue SW takes another turn"

  • CarDriver April 3, 2022 (7:07 am)

    We can take heart that whatever gets built will be affordable to the masses. 

    • anonyme April 4, 2022 (7:09 am)

      I’m going to read that as sarcasm…!

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