LIBRARIES: Seattle’s interim Chief Librarian gets the permanent job

Announced today by the Seattle Public Library: The system’s Board of Trustees has chosen Tom Fay as Chief Librarian. He’s been in the role on an interim basis since Marcellus Turner left a year ago. Before that, he spent five years as SPL’s director of library programs and services. Here’s the official news release. Fay was one of two finalists for the job. According to the detailed job listing, the “mid-range salary” for his new job is $203,700. The system he’ll be running has four branches in West Seattle – in Admiral, North Delridge, High Point, and Westwood.

6 Replies to "LIBRARIES: Seattle's interim Chief Librarian gets the permanent job"

  • DB40 March 2, 2022 (2:42 pm)

    Great news! But how could Chad Helton have even been “remotely” considered?

    • KT March 2, 2022 (3:54 pm)


  • skeeter March 2, 2022 (3:31 pm)

    Since the other finalist was basically derelict at his previous post I guess it’s a good thing Mr. Fay got the job.  

  • Deb March 2, 2022 (5:52 pm)

    Congratulations to Tom Fay! A well deserved promotion. 

  • 1994 March 2, 2022 (9:11 pm)

    Yah for Mr Fay and the SPL! Westwood branch? 35th and Henderson location is known as the Southwest Branch isn’t it?

    • WSB March 2, 2022 (10:41 pm)

      I did not refer to the branches by their names. I referred to them by the neighborhoods in which they are located. Two of the four are named for their neighborhoods; the other two are not.

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