When we reported last week on the “driver report card” signs in High Point, SDOT told us that student interns would be out weekly observing, and that crews would update the signage on Fridays. So we went over his evening to see if that happened. Above is the proof – the sign at a marked crosswalk on SW Morgan west of Lanham shows a lower rate of drivers stopping for pedestrians this week, at least out of the 25-driver sample that SDOT said the interns were tasked with observing. (The other sign, further east on Sylvan Way at an unmarked crossing, shows 10 percent both for “last week” and “record.”) SDOT says these will be up for about six weeks as they get going on a two-year safety campaign; they’re scheduled to be used in more than 10 other as-yet-unidentified locations around the city too.
West Seattle, Washington
24 Friday